Chapter Nineteen

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     The day Annabeth was scheduled to get her brain scans and blood work, Crystal offered to go with her. She knew her best friend was nervous, and she didn't blame her a bit for it. Instead, she slept over at Annabeth's house the night before, so she could drive her to the hospital before her appointment.

     Anna was scared to go inside of the hospital, because she was scared of what the tests would say

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     Anna was scared to go inside of the hospital, because she was scared of what the tests would say. There could be absolutely any type of result, and she was worried that the result she would get would be anything but good. The way her head had felt during her headaches, made her know that she could have absolutely anything wrong with her.

"Annabeth Swan?" A nurse called, and the girl stood up.

     Crystal stood up as well and followed along with her. She was not going to leave her best friend's side. The whole reason she had come was to be by her side, especially after Anna had explained everything that was going on and why she needed the tests in the first place.

"Dr Cullen is absent today, but Dr Cho will be taking his place," The nurse said, "She's a very good doctor."

     Before the nurse left, she had to get Anna hooked up to an IV. Before hooking the IV up to fluids and the dye that was needed, the nurse took three vials of blood for testing. Anna sat anxiously on the bed, as Crystal tried to make her feel more calm.

"Hello, Annabeth," A dark haired doctor said, as she entered the room,"I'm Dr Cho, and I'll be doing all of your brain scans today."

"How long will it take?" Anna asked, causing the woman to smile.

"You'll be here an hour or so, but I promise none of the tests are going to hurt," Dr. Cho replied, and Anna nodded,"Would you like me to explain the results we get today, or would you like to wait to be contacted by Dr Cullen?" She asked, causing Anna to bite her lip.

"Would it be alright for me to wait?" She asked, and the woman nodded.

"Of course," Dr. Cho answered,"I understand how it is when you want to hear it from your own doctor, believe me. When I got pregnant with my son, I didn't believe any of the doctors that told me, I waited until my doctor told me, and before you ask, yes, I was a doctor at the time, I just didn't believe myself at the time because of the shock."

"Thank you." Anna murmured, and the woman smiled with a nod.

     Anna was brought back to get a CT scan first, which took the longest. It took almost twenty minutes, but it was painless. They added dye through the IV to get better results. The next was an fMRI and MRA, which was a bit louder, but it definitely wasn't as long. Another was an EEG, which which didn't take too long. The final scan was a PET scan, which was the second test with stuff being put in the IV. Anna had to wait thirty minutes before the IV could be used the second time, to make sure all of the dye was out of her system from the CT scan.

"Dr Cullen should be back tomorrow, and so should your results on your blood work and such, so you'll most likely recieve a call from him sometime tomorrow." Dr. Cho commented, before she said her goodbyes to the girls.

     Anna was nervous as hell, as she and Crystal headed to school to finish the rest of their day. They only missed the first two hours of school, so they hadn't missed too much. Anna was just glad that they had managed to miss gym class, the one class she loathed more than any of the others.

"Hey, you weren't at school earlier this morning," Bella commented, as she walked over to Anna's table during lunch,"Did something happen?" She asked, causing Anna and Crystal to glance at one another.

"I had to get a test done at the hospital," Crystal lied,"I didn't want to go by myself, and my mom had to get to work early, so she couldn't go with me. Anna offered to go with me, so I wouldn't be alone."

"Oh, okay," Bella bit her lip,"Well, I hope your tests results come back clean." She replied, and Crystal nodded while subtly glancing at Anna.

"You and me both." She murmured, knowing she was scared of the results that were going to be back soon for Anna.

     Anna could feel her nerves making everything a little more difficult. Her stomach was filled with butterflies, her palms were sweaty, knees were weak, and her arms felt heavy. She was truly worried about her test results. She was more scared of telling Charlie and Bella the results, than getting the results herself. If they were bad, if she was really sick or possibly dying, she knew Bella and Charlie would have a hard time handling the news, and so would Crystal.

"Get some sleep tonight, alright?" Crystal commented,"I know you're worried, but you'll just make yourself sick the more you worry."

"I know, but it's hard not to." Anna murmured, causing Crystal to smile sympathetically.

"I know," She sighed,"tomorrow, let me know what Dr Cullen says as soon as you can, okay?"

     Anna merely nodded, before she got out of Crystal's car, and waved as the girl pulled out of the driveway. Anna didn't even bother stopping in the kitchen for any food. She went straight up to her room, closed the door, and threw herself on to her bed. Her head was full of "what-ifs" and nothing was making them go away. She honestly felt like taking a couple of sleeping pills to knock herself out for the night. It was a bad idea, but as the time ticked by, she was seriously considering it...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter! With that being said, all of the brain scan information I got was from Google, so if it's wrong, blame Google.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

P.s. This story will have 32 chapters in all! It will only be going through Twilight, not the rest of the books/movies.

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