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They take him to hospital and call hobi and said " came to hospital".
Hobi didn't waste anytime and came to the hospital and said " what happened". They all were crying and angry they will surely kill who kill Wonwoo.

Doctor came and BTS said " how is he ". Doctor said " he is badly injured and
He is being ". Tae said " he is what".
Doctor said " he is being raped by many alphas". BTS got angry after listening to his and doctor said " but his baby is fine ". They all sign in relief.

Doctor said " he will ok and wake up till tomorrow but you have take care of him because he have raped so maybe he have trauma and maybe you need therapy and also because he is pregnant you have to be extra careful".

They all nodded and namjoon said " me and jungkook is staying here you all go home". Hobi said " no i will also stay". But kookie said " listen babe you can came tomorrow ok ".

Next day, wonwoo wake up and he open his eyes but he blink because adjust to light. He see around himself and he found that he is hospital and he start crying remember what they did with him. He touch his stomach and BTS came and see him crying they hug him but wonwoo got flinch in there touch and having panick attack and said " pl..s d.. don't t...ouch m..e". BTS is crying to see there brother in this condition. Jin came and said " relaxed kitten it's us your BTS hyung". Jin came and hug him and said " relaxed my brother ".

Wonwoo tightly hug him and crying and said " h..hyung t...they r...rape m..e". BTS said " don't worry kitten.
Everything will be alright". Wonwoo
Remove jin and grab him and said " h..yung my baby is my baby alright".
They said " yes he is alright but you have to be careful because of what happened it make you high chance for miscarriage. So you have to be careful".

Wonwoo said " hyung c..an we go home i don't want to stay here". They go and asked doctor that he can go home doctor say ok. They all are getting ready to go home.

They all take care of me and make me happy. But wonwoo is scared. Hobi said " wonie can you tell what happened ". Wonwoo said " h... hobi they raped me. S...eventeen raped me and beat me and burn me on my back.
I a..m crying and s....aying them to stop but they didn't hobi".

Hobi said " shhh don't cry we are here for you leave them they didn't deserve
Angle like you". BTS listen and said "
Seventeen did that ". Wonwoo got scared and nodded. BTS said " I will kill them all of them to do that with you". Wonwoo said " jin hyung". Jin said " yes my kitten". " Hyung pls don't do anything to them and promise me that you will save them". BTS said " what do you mean by save them".
"After somedays later, they got killed by there uncle so I want you to save them from them pls hyung". BTS got angry listen to that wonwoo want to save him and said " even after what they do to you". Wonwoo said " hyung
Even I hate them and i regret falling in love with them but i can't let them kill because I want to save them. Pls hyung ".

BTS said " ok and did you came from future". " Yes but that time this never happened because they dies by his cousin brother minsoo and I got kidnapped by him". " Ok we promised that I will protect them ". " Thank you hyung I love you".

Wonwoo said " hobi can you go to my house and get my cloth because i don't want to see them. If I go there maybe I have panick attack pls". Hobi said" don't worry I will go there ".

Hobi go to seventeen house and see seventeen members and ignore them because he is angry. So he just go to wonwoo room and come with suitcase. Seventeen said " what are you doing here". Hobi said " I am taking wonwoo clothes and from now
On Word he live with us not with hungry alphas like you".

Jun said " is wonwoo yesterday with you ". " Yes ". " So yesterday he is with you. He has to tell us that he want to spend night with BTS hyung ". " What do you mean". " I mean that your husband and wonwoo have affair and he sleep with them". Now hobi got angry and he slap jun very hard.

They all got angry and come closer to him and said " how dare you to slap our brother. Who do you think you are". " Listen top 2 Mafia boss. I lay finger on me don't think that you will alive after that because maybe you are forgetting who my husbands is they are most powerful and ruthless top 1 Mafias. So be in your limits ".

S.coups said " do you think we scared ". " I don't care you scared or not but for slap your brother it's his fault ". " What do you mean by my fault ". " You said my husband and wonwoo sleep but they are brother. If you don't trust your help then that's your fault because wonwoo always trust you even if you are wrong. It's good from now on he is not staying with you because you all didn't deserve angle like him ".

Hobi came back to his house and see wonwoo in couch eating fruits. Wonwoo is not ok he don't want to stay here if he tell BTS hyung that he
Don't want to live here but they didn't let them go. So wonwoo book ticket for Australia and now he done packing and he got in taxi leave for airport and he reach airport. Then he sit in plane and get after some hours later the landed in Australia.

He is finding house for living. He got a room where three people lives and with him there is two another Omegas. He is staying with them.

With BTS, they wake up in morning and jin ready breakfast for all of them and said " jimin go and wake up kitten". He nodded and got to his room. When he go to his room he didn't see him not his cloths and suitcase but there is letter after reading the letter is crying. He go to living room and all of them see jimin
Crying and said " what happened and where is wonwoo".

Jimin said " hyung he leave us ". " What do you mean ". He give letter to

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