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I go to principal office. I knock the door and said " may i come in sir ".
" Yes come in ". I come inside and see
Principal sir and sir. I got scared as I see him.

I said " do you want to talk to me".
" Yes what you did ". " What I did sir ". " Sir look he is now acting innocent"
. " What do you mean". " Yes he is right now you act like a innocent person".

" What do you mean". " You try to sleep with him ". " What are saying".
" You offer him to sleep with you
Because you want to spend night with him ". " I..I d... didn't". " You are slut who offer alphas to sleep with you"..
" No.no ". " We don't know how many alphas you offer to sleep with you"..

" We won't people like you in our college so you suspended for 1 week ".
" But s..sir listen t..to m..me ". " Sir look he is now telling you about offer ". " N..no t..that not true ". " Out get out from here".

I came out of office and see sir smiling and said " how will you tell them. Even if you tell them . Now they will not believe you .what will you do".

" No one believes you babyboy ". " I hate you ". " I love you".

I go back home and i go bath in shower and I feel like crying and i can feel my tear and i cry in shower after 30 min.

I came out of bathroom and i can see dino came inside in angry. He said "
What I hear is right "."i..I "." That means it's true that you offer him to sleep with him". " I..I" i start crying after listening to him. He grab my hair and said " I SAID LOOK AT ME ".
I feel Shiver in my spin.

I never see him like this angry. "L.. listen". " JUST SHUT UP and do you i thought you good person that's why I friendship with up. I didn't expect this from you. You break my trust. You know then brother said that you are not good. I always deny that because I spend time you but I don't know that you were doing just acting. Now I know brother was right about you".
" No L.. listen ". " Don't touch me i hate you. I feel disgust from you ".

Now he leave me alone in my room.
I was crying after what he said to me
My eyes were swollen and red. Now it's night time and i go down and make food for us. Then dino came and
Seventeen also came from office I can see there mood is not good.

I serve them and i talk to s.coups but then dino said " don't talk to him ". "
But". " Just SHUT UP ". " What happen
Why are you angry ". " You ask him what he did". Joshua said " what you did to make him angry ". " I didn't do anything ". " Oo really you didn't do anything. I will tell you hyung what he did. You know physics sir ". " Yes what's about him". " He complain about wonwoo. That he offer him to sleep with him ". " What ". " Yes hyung and now he is suspended for 1 week ".
They all look at me and said " what we can expect from an him ". " Yes you are right hyung what we can. Expect from him ". " We don't care about you because you are not our husband
Ok ".

They all go to there room and leave me alone there. I feel tear in eyes.
I want someone to comfort me. I want someone. I go to my room and sleep.

It's been 3 days they were insulting me. One day, they work from home and i go to grocery shop. I came with
Vegetable and fruit. It's night time and when I enter the room. I can smell very strong phenomenon and it's not one person smell. I Enter the kitchen and put vegetables on table. I look for seventeen and I see they all were sitting in one room and they all were sweating and red.

I think they were in there heat. I call
Sky " hello sky ". " Hello wonie how are you"." I am fine sky I think they are in heat ". " What look for there supplements and it's very dangerous for you to handle because they can do anything". " What do you mean ". " Go and find the medicine". " Ok".

I go to s.coups room and look for medicine but i didn't find that. I go last room which is left and where they all were. I go there and looking for medicine. I didn't find it and then i feel someone is behind me.

One one POV

Wonwoo got scared i thought it him My sir. As
Wonwoo look behind I feel pair of lips in mine
Wonwoo got surprised and see it's woozi. He is kissing me. He bit my lower lip wonwoo wimp. Then he put his tongue in my mouth and i moan. Someone from the behind take off my top and star touching me and kissing my neck.
S.coups came forward and push in bed and get top of me and stuck my nipples and i moan. Some were kissing my back and someone is kissing my neck then they all bite my
Neck wonwoo feel pain. Wonwoo said " stop s..stop".
Someone take off my pant and boxer.
Then mingyu put his finger in wonwoo hole and he cry in pain.
He is moving his finger fast make wonwoo moan. He pull his finger. Wonwoo sign in relief but suddenly he screaming because mingyu put his
Length in wonwoo hole. He feel pain
Mingyu move fast and make wonwoo feel pain. Mingyu came Inside him and woozi and all came inside wonwoo but they don't know that wonwoo is unconscious. They sleep hugging wonwoo.

Next day , jun is first one who wakeup
He look at himself got confused then he wear his clothes when he scared. the room is messy and he look at bed they all are naked and there is mingyu and minghao is hugging wonwoo.

He got angry and wake everyone up.
They all are confused when they see themselves and get angry when they see who is with them wonwoo and they all stand and wake up the but he didn't wake up then they come with water. Put water on wonwoo. And
He get up and wimp because he feel pain in his lower area. Dk came. And make wonwoo stand with force. Wonwoo grab the blanket when he know that he is naked.

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