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I crying remember all the things happen within these years. It's time for them to come back home. I go and food for them and i pray from God that I can go back to past save all my alpha of from them.

I burn my hand.i remember when I burn my hand they all came and see me and said " be careful in kitchen princess". My thoughts interrupt from
Minsoo , kwang and xiumin voice.
" Where is food we are hungry". " Pls w...wait a m... moments". He came in kitchen I got scared and he grab my hand and burn them. I cried and said "I am sorry I will not do that mistake

After I give them food. They go to there room and i go to my room put bandage on wound. I remember when I am they always take care of me i him then so much. I cry and sleep.

Next morning I make breakfast for them and go to grocery shop. I get thing I want. I was walking and see a child in middle road and that time a car came in high speed I run to that child to protect. I save the child but I get accident and i listen people say call ambulance.

I open my eyes see white everywhere.
I thought ' did i died then where is hyung and sky '. Then a voice say
" Hello wonwoo"." Hello who are you "."that not important but you can call me angle"."hello angel. I am die"." I don't know"."then what do you know "." That we are giving you chance to change "."what change"."but you can't change everything and only you are the one who can change there fate ".

"What are talking I didn't understand.
I want to meet my alphas "." Yes your right it's time to meet your alpha". I don't know what he did white light came and i again go unconscious.

Next morning, i wake up and see here and there. I got confused and suprised because this is my old house where I live when I was going to school. I got up and see everything but everything is like how he used to be.

I check my phone and see date it's 2018. Wait at that time I am in school and that means I travel 6 years back.
21 marchs. That means my school is going to start from 1 April.

I am very happy because I can meet all my love my alphas again. First I have to make food for me. I make breakfast and eat i thought I have to think to save them from that minsoo ,kwang , xiumin.

I go to shop I see my old clothes but I want to get new dresses. I get 4 dresses. I enjoyed the my these here.

31 March :

I start working in coffee shop and meet hobi and BTS hyung. I am happy to meet them again. At that time i didn't get time to tell them or meet them. To say what happened with me

Now I got ready to go home and I see man in drunk position. I just ignored and walk away but he grab my wrist.
I look at him. I see jun hyung what the hell is happening what he is doing here in drunk state. I remember that i only meet dino and woozi hyung and sky.

I can't ignore him. So I take him home but the alcohol smell from him. I hate that. So I go bathroom and with towel and bowl of water. I clean him and remove his cloth.

I really remember that i didn't meet jun before meeting dino then how is this happens or it is just a coincidence. Let's sleep i have to go school tomorrow.

Next morning, I wake up and make food for us and go to my room to wake him up. I try to touch him to grab my hand and turn me to bed and he top of me. For kind information he is not half naked. I blush.

He said " who are you and what are you doing". I said " hello mr. This is my house and myself wonwoo. Now can you leave my hand you are hurting me "."what I am doing here. And why you take me my home and where is my cloths. What you did with me ". He grab my neck and try to choke me I said " you were drunk and
Grab my wrist and don't let me leave.
So I take you home and your have smell of alcohol so I removed and wash. Now can you pls leave me you try to kill me". He leave me and cought and breathe and I said " don't you want to apologise to me". " Why "." Hello mr. Rude i save you and you try to kill me"." Are you Omega "." Yes so what"." Sorry "."what i didn't hear"." I am sorry ". I laugh and said "
I am joking mr.rude"."I am not mr. Rude myself self jun"."ok but first you didn't tell me your name and to are rude so I called you that but now I know you name i will the same "."you s*"."hey don't use bad words infront of me because mom said don't say bad words "."how old are you "." I am 18 but turning into 19"."ok "."mr.rude came down breakfast is ready and I am getting late for school "." Ok I am coming "."now eat his and you cloths is in bathroom ". doorbell ring and I said " hyung can you open the door ".
He nodded and go to open the door.
Someone said " who are you what are you doing here and why are in my house and where is sweetheart I means my lovely wonwoo ". Before jun said anything I said " hello uncle.
He is jun hyung my friend and he come last night and what are you doing here uncle"." Actually I want my rent "."uncle I can give you when my salary come". He nodded. Go back to his house.


this is my new story

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this is my new story

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