Next morning, wonwoo wakeup feeling pain in his body and sit but he feel pain in his lower area. He try to stand up but collapse to floor. Wonwoo closed his eyes and waiting for pain but he feel strong pair of arm pick him up and said " where are you going". When wonwoo realised that something happened between him and alpha. " To bathroom". S.coups said " don't you know that after that you can't walk". I blushed at that and they laugh and said " why are you laughing". With pout. S.coups take me to bathroom. Wonwoo got freshen up and blushed remember yesterday night. Wonwoo remember everything.Wonwoo came out of bathroom and woozi pick him up and place him on bed and said " drink this you need to hydrated and yesterday way happened we are sorry we can't control ourselves and did it and mark you". I look at them and said in low voice " it's ok ". Now seventeen were taking care of him and wonwoo is happy that he is being loved by them.
Jisoo hanbin and sky came and hug said " we are back. Why are we hear at dad house ". " Because we are going to leave in your dad's house". They are happy and kiss me.
We are happy and seventeen and wonwoo have little cute moments that make them fall for each other more.
Wonwoo is scared also because of his trauma. Seventeen were doing something with weapons and that time wonwoo came and see and got scared and having panick attack.
He said " p... please don't h...hurt me". " P.... please d....on't t...touch".
" I... I have f... family ". They were trying to relax him but wonwoo didn't
Calm down. Wonwoo got unconscious. Seventeen call doctor. Doctor check and said " I think he have some trauma in his past".They all were curious but angry at same time because what make him scared and who did it.
It' been 1 months. Seventeen Confess
there love towards wonwoo. Seventeen prepare flower bouquet for wonwoo. Wonwoo came and see seventeen were confession to him that " wonwoo we love you. We are sorry for what we did but we promised to protect you. We always make you happy. Please again because our husband ". When wonwoo listen he said " no i can't ". He run to his room and start crying. Seventeen run behind him and said " why you didn't love us now". " No i love you "." Then what's the problem ". " I not good for you". " Why are not good for us give reason ". " Because I am dirty and disgusting ". " What are you talking about. Tell us what happened ". " When I kids were 2 years old. I...I got k...idnapped by someone people called seo joon and ha jun. They said they are obsessed with me and they kill most of people who touch me but
Raped me and beat me multiple times.
I...I was crying in pain let them to stop but they didn't stop. When I was try to
they hit on my leg so I can't walk and escape from there. One day I escape successfully ". I crying very hard and seventeen were crying also listen to wonie. Wonwoo said " y..ou know I try to kill myself buty family save he and i only alive just because of my child". Jeonghan hug him tightly and comforting him. Wonwoo said " i...I feel d.... disgusting and d.. dirty". Joshua said " princess look at us. You are not dirty and disgusting ok. Don't ever say that". He hug who is crying remembering his past. And seventeen crying and said " we are sorry princess we are not with you sorry if we were nothing happen ". When wonwoo hear them blame themselves he said " don't it's not your fault ". They hear snoring voice they look at wonwoo and put him on bed.They all collected in meeting room and said " we can't leave that baster alive". " Yes we will kill him ". They were trying to find that man. They call BTS for meeting and they also get kinn number and call them ask there help they were ready to help them.
BTS were also ready to help them.1 week later, there is two man were on seventeen basement. Wonwoo family also came and wonwoo is happy to meet them. Seventeen call wonwoo to basement. Rain, sky and hobi came with wonwoo. When wonwoo enter all of them were there BTS , seventeen and his family and two man were tied in chair.
Phayu and prapai remove clothes from there faces and when wonwoo see them he got panick attack and start trembling. Seventeen go to them and wonwoo again repeat same thing he said when he was panick. The8 hug wonwoo and mingyu said " princess calm down your alphas are here to Protect you. Tell me they are the one who kidnapped you". Wonwoo nodded and start crying.
Woozi said" rain ,sky and hobi take wonwoo to his room ". When they leave dino kick him on his stomach make him cough blood. Woozi grab iron rods and beat him. S.coups were sitting. When seo joon and ha jun said " p...pls leave us. We are sorry what we did". S.coups laugh making all of them got scared because near him is dark aura that makes everyone scared. He said " YOU WILL GET PUNISHMENT FOR TOUCHING OUR PRINCESS ". Seventeen laugh manic.
They bring there weapons. First they break his both arms and both legs. Sk came with knife and cut his fingers of hand and legs. Now they came with acid. They throw acid on there full body they were screaming. Wonwoo can hear there scream. Lastly they cut his body in pieces and throw them in sea.Seventeen go to wonwoo room. He see him sleeping peacefully. They lay beside him and hug him. Next day, wonwoo wake up seventeen in his side. He is happy that they are with him.
Wonwoo is feeling dizzy and he wants to throw up. Wonwoo go to doctor and doctor do check up and said " congratulation your are pregnant". Wonwoo happily said " really". " Yes ".
" Thank you".Wonwoo is happy and go home and see everyone and said " pa I am hungry. Pls give me food". " Yes my kitten". " Jisoo hanbin and sky where are you ". " Rain , sky and hobi can you help ". Rain said " what type of help". " I want to purpose them".
All of them help me. Seventeen came with phayu and prapai. Light were turn off when they enter light were on seventeen and wonwoo look cute. He came closer and seventeen also. Wonwoo said " seventeen will you accept your three kids and more". They all look confused. Wonwoo said
" I am pregnant". When seventeen hear this he hug them and seventeen said " will you again marry us my princess". Wonwoo nodded. One by one kiss wonwoo.It's been 3 weeks later today is wedding of seventeen and wonwoo. They were accept each other. Prist start the ceremony and they said yes and prist said "you are husbands and you may kiss now". Seventeen kiss wonwoo. They said " i love you my princess ".
It's been 9 months later, wonwoo is pregnant and his due date is for tomorrow but he suddenly feel pain. He said " mingyu". Mingyu look at him and said " is it paining". Wonwoo nodded. He take him to hospital and call other. After sometime later, they hear baby crying and seventeen were happy. Doctor came with twins. Seventeen take there daughter and son to his arms. He see wonwoo is looking at him and seventeen kiss him and said " Thank you wonwoo to give us this happiness. I love you".

Our Cute Omega
Fanfictionhello friends this is my first story. I hope you like it In this : wonwoo x svt. Seventeen member is 12 and all are alpha. ⚠️⚠️⚠️Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Physical assault Boys x boys love ...