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Doctor came out of room. I said " Is everything ok. Is he alright". Doctor "
Actually he is fragile". Doctor asked "
Are you his husband ". I said " no
We are friends.why doctor"."actually
He is intimated with many man. His
Lower area is bleeding because it's his first time and also they marked him".
When I listen to his I got shocked. I thank to doctor. Doctor said " you have to take care of him". I nodded.

I feel guilty looking him in this state.
We did it with him and even marked
Him ourselves. What if he hate us.
Even if he hate us. We have to take care of him because did mistake.
Which can't be forgiven.

I message seungcheol hyung that i can't come back home today. I have something important. Next morning
Wonwoo wakeup and see me said
" What you doing here you have college. Go and get ready to go college". I said " but ". He said " no but
Just go to college and tell me what they teach ok ". I nodded and go home.

Sky POV:

It's been 1 week. i didn't meet wonie nor he call me. I am getting worried.
So I decided to go home and meet him. I got ready to go home and door
Is open I go inside the house and see him in bed.

I fastly walk to him and said " are you ok why are like this". He smile and said " I am fine hyung" .I nodded but did he call me hyung just now. I am sure he is hiding something because whenever he say hyung to me.
I make breakfast for him and we eat together then i noticed bite Mark's on his neck like someone claim him.
I said " wonwoo what's on your neck
Is it bite Mark's".when I came closer to him. I can smell many alphas.
Wait why they smell are familiar. It's

I said " wonwoo tell did some alphas
Mark's on our neck. The alphas are
Seventeen groups". He got surprised and said " h...hyung i..I am s... sorry I didn't mean to "and then he tell me
Everything happens. I got angry not
on this little innocent Omega who didn't even know that seventeen marked him. they didn't control themselves and hurt this little innocent Omega. I said " hey from now you will say with us ". He said " no. Pls no. I can take care ok myself".

2 months later:

They were watching movie but they forget about wonwoo. It's been 1 months since they ignored him.
They all were going to shoping and
Movies and picnic. They all forgot about wonwoo was there but they
Ignore his prescence.
Wonwoo was also ignoring them after that incident happened. He think it's good if they spend time with there Omegas.

One day, seungcheol grandmother came to meet there grandson. Now
Seungcheol and jeonghan go to pick up there grandmother. Now they all
Come to meet grandmother.
Sky make food for grandmother. He like food but not who his favourite person make food but he happy that sky make something to make him happy.

Wonwoo POV:

Today I think to go chanie house because I am getting bored. So I got ready to go there house well it's 7 clock. I reach to there house i can see
Then enjoying and happy.
I enter say " hyung your all forgot me and enjoying". They all look at me.
Sky said " no wonwoo that's not what you think". I laugh. And said " ok"

I said " do you have guest in your house " sky said " yes" . I said " this is why you look happy ". " Yes my grandmother came to me us "."can I meet them also" "yea why not ". We go
to meet them when I see them my eyes got " teary" "it's grandma. Our
Grandma". Now i introduce myself
"Hello grandma myself wonwoo ".
My happiness broken when she said
" Yes nice to meet you and who are you and what are you doing here in my grandsons house". I sadly smile
" I think they didn't remember me".
I just ignored them but wait that means they all are my childhood best friends.

I go to kitchen and said "all of you go spend time with grandma. I will make
Dinner today for all of us". Today I will make my special and grandma favourite dish. It almost completed.
Now i take food to dinning table and do plating. I said " all of you came down food is ready ". They all came down.

I see grandma with them. I stand next to chair make grandma sit. She Just looking at me and I serve grandma food. She Just look at food with shining eyes and with smile. They all were shocked to see her like this.

When she eats food his eyes get watery. I said " did it spicy ". She said " no but it tast is similar to me my special person make this food for all of us". I smile because i know will think of mom.

Sky said " where do you learn from this dishes it's delicious". I said " my
Mom teaches me when I was 10 years old". Jun said " so where are they now". I surprised with questions " i
Don't want to talk about that". They all look at me. I smile and said " do you know my grandma asked me what i want to be. i say I want to be
Chef". I can see grandma is looking at

"Now it's time to go home.bye". I said.
They all nodded and start talking.
Tomorrow evening we are going somewhere do you want to come.i nodded.

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