3 - Mad Dog

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Woah..so this is Furin High..it kinda looks deserted somehow? It looks scary..like there are beasts inside. I'm sure there are. Beasts who can devour you whole. I was busy with my thoughts when I suddenly heard Nirei scream. 'Why the hell is he screaming' I thought while I approached them, they were looking at a piece of paper on the wall.

"All three of us are in the same class!!" Ah that was what he was shouting for. I'm glad I'm in the same class as Sakura. "We're in the same class Hima" I heard Sakura say and I smile at him.

"Yeah, I'm glad" 

"We're also with Suo-san! oh Kiryu-san! even Tsugeura-san!" who..? Nirei was saying these names that we haven't heard before. 

"Your friends?" I asked while Sakura asked if he knew them. "No I don't but I can tell stuff about them!" Nirei started to take out his tiny notebook. 'oh god'

"No thanks." Me and  Sakura answered quickly, turning him down. It almost looked like he was sad when he put back his little notebook.

"Let's see..who else- EHH?!" What's wrong with him now? "Is something the matter?" I asked Nirei as I tilted my head to the side. "Hey are you ignoring us? Where did your enthusiasm go?" Sakura started asking Nirei as well but got no answer. 'What's with him'


While we made our way to our  room, Nirei was fidgeting with himself. He looks really nervous. Sweat was streaming down his face. "You guys please promise me something" His eyes looked as if he was begging me and Sakura to comply.

"Promise what?" Sakura and I said at the same time.

"Please get along with everyone okay..smile" I only chuckled while Sakura scrunched up his nose. "Are you joking?" Sakura asked, his eyebrow raised. "No, I'm not..listen you two..

People at Bofurin protect this town, since you two are not from Makochi, it's natural for the people here to be suspicious of you guys...to make sure you guys are not here to harm anyone, get along with them..so that's why-"

 I was nodding at his explanation when he stopped. I glanced over at Nirei, to see what was wrong and he was looking at Sakura.

Haruka is stretching. 'What the hell- Does he think people might jump at us here?'

"......What are you doing..?" Nirei stared at Sakura, blinking repeatedly. "Warming up", Haru simply answered as if it was obvious.

"Were you even listening? If people get the wrong idea, the entire class- no..the entire school will become your enemy" Nirei was clearly trying to warn Sakura but he wasn't listening.

"I came here to become the top and take the top by fighting, of course." Sakura said as he opened the door, Nirei trying to stop him from behind. Well too late.

The people inside the classroom were staring at us. Their eyes staring into our souls. Well you've done it Haruka! Let me just go and dig our graves outside. I'll design it with pretty cherry blo-

"Yo" Well I'll be damned. There's a pretty boy here. He was smiling while he walked towards us. Brown hair, an eyepatch, and long tassel earrings.

"So you two are the Sakura twins" The eyepatch boy said while smiling. I just stood there meanwhile Sakura..in a fighting stance. "What about it? Who are you?" 'Haruka put those fists down!'

"Ah Haru stop that- I'm sorry he's just very excited" I  explained as I push Sakura's arms back down. My head bowed slightly and I swear this dude was staring at me but when my head lifts back up, he wasn't. 'Was I imagining things?'

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