12 - Orange and Piercings

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Once I got back I sat next to Sakura, they all seemed to have calmed down now, everyone was in their own places. "So what happened" I started, looking over at Haruka.

"Just some weird aesthetics..I don't know" He answered, shrugging his shoulders. I nodded slowly and looked over to see Nirei talking to the buff kid from earlier, he looks so excited..

"New friend" I heard Suo's voice from beside me, I nodded again. "Interesting, seems like a lot of things happened while I was gone" I said jokingly, chuckling to myself.

"No not really~ Seems like your trip to the bathroom was quite long huh?" I saw him smiling over at me. "Ah I just wandered around and saw Umemiya-san" 

I saw the shock expression on his face for a second before replying, "Umemiya-san? ah he's probably checking up on his plants." He said while laughing. 



Tell me why were we dragged into this weird ass food place filled with pictures of dudes with muscles...

Apparently the buff guy from earlier invited them over to hang out to talk about aesthetics...and Nirei dragged us here all excited so here we are-

"Does this place actually have something tasty?" I heard Haru ask as we sat down with Tsugeura. "That's rude don't say that" I smacked his arm lightly and shook my head.

"I recommend this one" Tsugeura started recommending food from the menu..No surprise.. they're all for muscles. It looks good for me though so I'll order something. They're all healthy anyways.

"You obsessed with eating? You can call that aesthetics" I looked over at Tsugeura with my eyebrows furrowed and mouth open. 'Excuse me? I'm offended????'

"Are you sayin' I'm a pig?" I asked as my nose scrunching and brows furrowed even more. 'I might as well punch him right now.' Suo started chuckling and I could hear Haru stop himself from laughing out loud.

"I don't think he meant that as something bad Sakura-chan" I looked over at Suo and he just smiled at me. "I was just curious if that was your aesthetic and all, you're quite fit yourself" Tsugeura answered, nodding his head slowly as if agreeing with himself.

My cheeks flushed red, I turned my head away before saying anything. "W-whatever"

They started talking about their aesthetics then went on into offering an arm wrestle battle- I was quite intrigued by it but they paused when someone entered the restaurant. 

Pink hair, flashy clothes..piercings on his face and ears......jacket not worn properly...holding a girl by his side....'h-holding a girl by his side???? O-OH'

"Oh. What a coincidence to meet you all here" Was what he said as soon as his eyes landed on us. Huh he knows us. I swear he looks like that dude at the back of the class..pink hair..haven't seen him up close though.

'He's holding her hand! That's so sweet!'  My face flushed red as I watched them, he even pulled out a chair for her! Sakura's face was also red, we look like damn losers staring at them.

"So who's he?" I muttered to them quietly as I saw Tsugeura go up to pink hair's table, inviting him to join us. "That's Kiryu Mitsuki, our classmate" Suo answered while smiling. "Oh so he really is our classmate..I see" I nodded my head slowly, processing the information.

"He apparently attended a rich middle school or something and rumor has it, he beat up some third years while he was in his first year" Nirei explained as he looked at his small notebook. 'He's strong too huh'

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