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"I only want what's best for you,
It's not what's good for me,
It's not about what I want,
But it's all about what you need.
I want what's best for you but I don't want you to leave. Trey Songs~ Best For You

6 years earlier

"Hurry up Javon I'm ready to go home." I rolled my eyes at my bestfriend as me and his sister Aliyah watched him exchange numbers with with a girl from our school. He kissed her cheek while I was right there pissing me off as she blushed. I rolled my eyes and began to walk by myself. I was beyond irritated.

Moments like this got under my skin. I made it obvious that I liked him. Why couldn't he see it? His mom even knew and no matter how young we were everyone else knew it too. I've loved him since I was little. Me and Javon had been best friends for as long as I could remember. I'm 13 and he's 14 yet we're inseparable.

"Dang NeNe all cause you lonely don't mean I gotta be lonely too." He said jogging up to me with his sister behind him then grabbing my hand making me blush a bit. I loved the nickname NeNe simply because he gave it to me and was the only one to call me it. Everyone else called me JoJo or Jo and I liked it that way.

He swung his arm over my shoulder and I automatically shrugged it off.

"Shutup ain't nobody lonely." I said as we began walking to our houses that was only a few blocks away from our school.

"Is that right?"

"Leave me alone." I replied feeling embarrassed knowing he probably thought that I was jealous. I wasn't jealous though. I didn't even care.

Our walk was silent yet I couldn't shake the weird feeling I was beginning to have as we got closer to home. Lately it seemed like my family that consisted of me my mom and my sister could never catch a break. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard Javon's voice.

"Journey who is that at your crib?" He asked with curiosity laced in his voice and I looked up quickly.

I looked up to see a middle aged white woman standing on our porch by my mother with a blazer and a tight skirt stopping above her knee. I automatically assumed she was a bill collector. My mom had been slacking when it came to money due to her drug habit and my sister and I were the only ones who knew about her addiction. Our family had so many secrets yet to the world we seemed picture perfect. Her hair was in a loose messy bun and she had makeup piled on her stress written face. As I got closer I could see tear stains on my mother's cheek where the makeup had begun to run and I knew something was wrong because she never cried in front of anyone not even my sister and I no matter how bad things a got.

"Good afternoon Journey."The woman said to me as I approached the porch. I ignored the woman and looked at my mother.

"Mama what's wrong is Nicki alright?" asked referring to my younger sister who had stayed home today. She kneeled down in front of me.

"Yes baby-yes she's fine she's inside...look you two are gonna go with the nice lady okay baby." she said as her voice began to crack.

I shook my head slowly.

"She's gonna take yall to live with nana for a while okay but I'm gonna come and get yall soon baby okay." she said as a tear fell down her face.

"Mommy I wanna stay with you." My sister said coming out with two bags one for her and one for me I guess. We never had much and I wouldn't be surprised if everything that belonged to us were in those two bags.

"You can't sweetheart they won't let you stay with mommy, just stay with Nana for a few weeks ok?"

My sister nodded.

"Can you do that for me?" She asked looking at me.

I shook my head no as a tear fell.

Before she could respond I felt someone grab my hand and I looked up to see the woman with a smile. I never understood how someone could smile or be happy with the fact that they were taking to little girls from all they knew. She began pulling me and my sister to her black car that was in our drive way.

" Mommy !" I began to scream as loud as I could which was no use because before I knew it we were being put into the back seat of the car. I tried to open the door but snatched my hand back realizing that it was put on child lock.

"I'm gonna come get you two I promise babies." My mother yelled crying. By then most of our neighbors had come outside including Javon and Aliyah's Mom who were pulling them into the house. I had forgotten they were there. I made eye contact with Javon one more time before the woman got into the car.

I put my small hand onto the glass of the window letting a tear roll down my brown skin.

"I love you." I mouthed to Javon and maybe it was because he was scared or sad or maybe it was because the woman had gotten in the car and began to pull away. I don't know what it was but I'd never know why he didn't say it back.

So this was my first story on wattpad and after a few years I realized that there were so many errors that hid the significance of the story. It has been re-written so somethings such as chapters and situations have been completely changed.


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