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"I thought that things like this get better with time but I still need you
Why is that?
Your the only image in my my mind so I still see you, around.
I miss you like everyday
Wanna be with you but your away
I said I'll miss you
Missing you insane
But if I got with you will it feel the same? Beyonce~ I miss you

*This chapter may be a bit boring I'm sorry but if you decide not to read it then there will be a brief description at the end of this chapter of what happened.*


Its been a month since Aaliyah died and Journey went into her coma. Shit ain't change except my attitude and perception towards my life. My sister was gone and the only woman I've ever loved was fighting for her life in a hospital bed. If I'm not at Erica's appointment or with Journey I'm in my house drinking or sleeping. I made it clear to Erica that whatever relationship we were trying to pursue wasn't gonna work. I was in love with Journey and I just had too much things going on. At Aaliyah's funeral I didn't even cry that day I became cold. I missed my sister to death and I felt this was all my fault. If I had come sooner I could've saved her. I was her brother and she looked to me for protection and that day I couldn't provide it. I had lost my other half and the only thing that kept me sane was the fact that Journey was still here. If she dies I'm gonna lose it. That would be two of the most important people in my life gone because I didn't get there sooner. Amod only visited Nene twice since she's been in there. He says it's because it hurts him to see her like that but who knows.

I was now on my way to the hospital to visit journey while Erica was at some prenatal yoga class. I made her move down here because she was due in about a month and I wanted to be here for my son's birth. There was some doubts that I had that he wasn't mine but I couldn't do anything but hope he was.

I walked into the hospital and was greeted by the kind lady at the desk.

"Hello Mr. Williams here to see Journey again I see." I forced a smile which I had been doing a lot lately. Not because her but because my life was fucked up right now.

I politely nodded and continued to her room.

I walked in and seen her small beautiful body sleeping peacefully on
the bed. Her bruises had basically healed and she seemed to be glowing. Her doctor was an old woman who would come in her room and comb her hair and speak to her. Her body was responsive and she would occasionally smile or frown as if she was dreaming about things that brought her happiness or sorrow.

"Hey babygirl." I said pulling a chair by her bed and holding her hand.

The doctor said that she may be able to hear voices when they speak to her so I would stay and talk to her for hours just to keep her company.

"I miss you Nene." I said with my voice shaking.

"You gotta wake up for me cause with the shit I'm going through I need you. I wanna hear your slick mouth and I wanna see you rolling your eyes when I say some stupid shit and I wanna see the way your hips sway when you walk and the way you bite your lip and look down when your nervous and the way you tuck a piece of hair behind your ears and smile when your embarrassed. Baby your so beautiful and you don't even realize it. I know you probably can't hear me but I love you and I've always loved you. I know that this baby is what fucked us up but no matter what Ima man and Ima take care of my seed and if that means I can't have you then I'm sorry but I love you so much man so fucking much." I felt a tear falling so I wiped it while still holding her hand.

What am I gonna do
If I lose her?


I could hear him. I've heard everything he's been saying for the time I've been here. I don't know how long it's been but it feels like forever. I got so happy when people came to see me and it hurted to hear them cry and speak as if I would never come back. The only voices I've heard was Blake, Cole, Marcus, Amonnie because she've become very cool with the group Amod a few times my nana and Nicki Erica sadly and most of all Javon.

Him just being here and saying the things he's said has just shown me why I loved him in the first place.

"I'm about to leave but I love you Journey." I heard him say and I felt him kiss my for head.

He couldn't leave me...I wanted him here with me. Today for some reason I felt more aware of what was going on I could feel and smell the cold air of the hospital which had been impossible before. I could still feel his soft hand in mine so I did tried my best to squeeze it. The first time it was nothing but the second time I heard him gasp.

"I know I'm imaging shit right now." I squeezed it again and again I heard a gasp.

I began to regain the feeling in the rest of my body. I slowly opened my eyes yet quickly closed them due to the light.

"Shit, Baby I'll be right back let me get your doctor."


About 5 hours later everyone was leaving from visiting her and the room was filled with balloons teddy bears and flowers.

"Baby I'm so glad your up." Amod said to Journey making her smile.

This shit was beyond aggravating. This is the man who couldn't give two fucks if she was in here and only visited her twice.

"I know and thanks boo I'll be home in a month so until then..." She looked at me and then back to Amod.

"Can you give us a minute?" He looked unsure but nodded. He kissed her lips then walked out.

"Thank you Javon."

"It's no prob-"

"No really thank you... I heard what you were saying and you made me want to wake up and come back to you...where's Aaliyah?" I looked down because this question caught me so off guard.

I hadn't talked out loud about this situation out loud since it happened and it never really hit me that she wasn't coming back to me.

"She gone." I said biting my lips. I saw her eyes widen and get glassy.

"Don't lie to me Javon." She said as a tear fell. She loved Aaliyah just as much as I did and I knew this hurt her.

"Yea she did...the day after yall got here."

"Oh my god it's my fault." She whispered

I rushed to her side and held her hand.

"It's not your fault Jour-"

"Yes it is! I-I'm the one who wanted to try to leave that house... She was scared she didn't wanna risk it. We should've stayed and waited for you but I couldn't stay there any longer I just couldn't Javon. I'm so sorry." By now she was crying in my chest and I was running her hair.

"It's not your fault Mama it's okay."


Chapter Description

Ok so basically in this chapter Javon is filling you in on how his life has been since Aaliyah died. He's very depressed and he no longer wants a relationship with Erica who is about a month away from giving birth to their son. WOOHOO ITS A BOY hehehe. Javon has been visiting Journey who is now awake everyday since she's been in a coma. Amod only visited Journey twice since she's been in the hospital. She's been in for a month. Journey finds out Aliyah is dead and believes it is her fault...that's about it☺️

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