Taking action pt 2

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"We made a bond from the very beginning
I found my homie and my bestfriend
I'ma be there for you til' the very end no matter what no matter what no matter what yeah.
We broke the rules we took it further then
we made a promise to each other we gon' never end she gon' be there for the kid no matter what." Future~ No Matter what

He jogged to the door banging on it twice before it opened revealing Blake.

"What happened yall?"she said as she eyed a furious Javon.

Javon pushed passed her and saw Rodney in the kitchen. He instantly ran over to him and punched him once in his nose making blood drip to the floor.

"Oh shit" me and Blake gasped at the same time.

Rodney put up a good fight but Javon had him slamming him to the floor and punching him everywhere he could.

Marcus and Cole came running down the stairs and automatically pulled Javon off of rodney.

"What the fuck man" Marcus yelled at Javon as he helped Rodney off the floor.

"Tell him Rodney " Javon yelled struggling in Cole's grasp.

Rodney was quite.

"Fucking tell hi-"

"Alright man" he said spitting out blood and holding his stomach.

I waited to see what he was going to say.

"Man look Marcus, JoJo wanted to fuck and I let her" he said looking at me.

Marcus looked shocked.

I got pissed and instantly ran up to Rodney and punched him in the face. Luckily he was already beaten up pretty bad so one punch from lil ole me sent him to the ground.

"I didn't want shit! I was getting the fucking broom and your cousin fucking touched me nigga ." I said turning to Marcus.

"Jour-" Marcus begun.

"No let me finish" by now I was full on crying.

"He raped me and YOUR stupid ass comes to my house cussing me out about Javon taking me home after I got raped by HIS stupid ass and the hickey that your fucking cousin gave me yet it fuck me right? No Fuck you and him."

I walked out of the kitchen pushing pass Marcus who looked guilty and Javon was right behind me. We drove home in silence.

We got there and he went in the living room and fell asleep on the couch.

I heard a knock at my door and I said come in.

Blake came in looking like she had been crying she came and sat in my bed.

"I'm so sorry JoJo. Cole had said you cheated on Marcus and I thought that's what it was and I'm sorry."

"It's okay boo you didn't know."

"Yea I didn't come in here to make you talk about it but I just wanted you to know I'm here for you."

"Thanks Blake but you didn't have to leave Cole for me in fine."

"We broke up." she huffed

I sat up

"What why?"

"After all of that we got in a argument about the situation and I just don't want nothing to do with him anymore."

"Oh I'm sorry. But hey we're two single young models we got options" I said hitting her thigh trying to brighten the mood.

"Girl hell yeah" she said slapping my hand.

"But Ima go get some sleep I love you boo"

"I love you too girl" I said smiling .

"We should do something tomorrow just us single folks." she said laughing.

"I wanted to go to the beach what about that?"

"That'll work I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright goodnight."


I was sitting in my bedroom watching tv when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in"

"How you feeling" Javon said coming in the room closing the door behind him.
He sat at the edge of my bed.

"Better. And thank you."

"No problem you know I gotchu girl."

"Yea and I gotchu."

"Girl you better my knuckles all bleeding and shit."

"You fucked him up J." I said laughing.

"I did huh?" I nodded and smiled.

We just stared each other for a while.

"Can you sleep in here with me please?"



He nodded and kicked off his shoes and crawled in bed with me. I stiffed as he pulled my body into him but I soon melted in his embrace.

I turned around and touched his face looking into his eyes. I licked my lips causing him to draw his attention towards them.

"Can I ?" He said asking for permission to do what I've been wanting him to do since the day we first kissed.

I nodded.

He instantly leaned on crashing his lips to mine for the second time.

Our tongues wrestled and e gripped my ass in his hands as he we kissed.

We broke away breathing hard.

"I want you so bad Javon...I feel damaged and I feel like I can't give myself to you because he did that to me. I feel dirty and used."

"Ne your not mama I promise." He kissed my forehead.

"It's not your fault and I hate that your going through this but I gotchu."

"I love you" he said biting his bottom lip.

"I love you too Javon." I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

I don't know why but I'm very emotional right now but after all that I've been through this week I have the right to be.

He brought his face to my cheek and kissed my year away as I cleaned my eyes.

"Go to sleep."

I turned around making my back face him as he pulled me closer to him if possible and we went to sleep.

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