No One

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"This a new life up in my stomach
Regardless if I'm your wife this new life here Ima love it
I ain't budging
I'll just do this by my muthafucking self
Cause my mama raised me without no muthafucking help
from a man
But I still don't understand how you can say that
Did you forget all those conversations that we had way back." J Cole.~ Lost Ones

I got into my car and called my nana.

"Hey baby" she said and I instantly relaxed.

"Hey nana"

"Why you been cryin Journey."

"Nana I'm pregnant and I don't know who my baby's father is." I said more so to myself.

"Journey Daniella Simmons! What the hell is wrong with you girl? Huh? Your 19 Jo. You've been up there a little over a year and your already pregnant Jo. Your supposed to be working not entertaining those boys... They ain't nothing but boys and I love Amod and Javon but what yall gonna do with a baby?" I began to cry all over again. My nana never talked to me this way but I knew she was right. It hurt the most that she was disappointed in me.

"Nana I know and I'm so sorry but I don't want an abor-"

"And your not gonna have one. Your gonna be a grown woman and take care of my great grandbaby. Now I gotta go but call me later I love you now you gotta do what you gotta do."

"I love you too nana." I took my phone from my ear calling Ronnie.

"Hey Bae." She said playfully.

Since I've been here she's grown pretty close to me and Blake and now I had to break this to her.

"Ronnie I have something to tell you."

"Oh laws what now."

"I'm pregnant... And.. And I don't think I can work for a while I'm gonna get bigger of course and no ones gonna want a big model." I heard her take a deep breath.

"Damn... Well who's the babydaddy?"

"Now that my friend is a long story."

"I get it but you don't have to stop working. You can model prenatal clothing it's the same thing." She said laughing a little.

"When you get a few months then I'll talk to some of my dad's friend to get you those kinda jobs."

"Oh my gosh Ron thank you."

"No problem babe."

"Ok bye boo."


A few moments later I was pulling up to the condo. I walked in to see a happy Blake on the couch on her phone.

"Wassup I'm suprised Cole's not here." She laughed

"He's on his way."

I nodded.

"I wish I was in your situation ya know."

"Hell yeah I fucked up." I frowned at her bluntness.

"I know what I did and I know that I made a mistake but you don't have to say it like that."

"Well you did it like that damn Jo I'm sorry that you don't know who your baby daddy is." I scoffed.

"What the hell Blake as close as we are I never thought you'd be the one to say some dumb shit like that." I sat up and looked at her.

"And as smart as you are I never thought you'd do some stupid shit like that your jealous because I have Cole and you don't have shit you shoulda kept your legs closed and stopped being a hoe but hey.." She said shrugging

"Fuck you Blake no like really fuck you since I'm some hoe and I know what I did was wrong but I slept with my boyfriend and someone I've known for years I know that doesn't make it any better but you and Cole fucked on the first night so who's the hoe yall met at a club I wanna know what makes you think your better than me?"


"No I guess this is how you've been feeling all along your not a friend Blake but it's fine I lost Marcus I lost Amod I lost Javon I lost my fucking mother for a while so I damn sure don't give a fuck if I lost you."

"Good cause you lost me I was your only friend here nobody else gave a fuck but I did."

"Your right but you don't have to anymore." I got up and walked into my room throwing a bunch of my clothes in a few bags and walking out.

"Either you had to leave or I do you lost all my respect today."

I walked downstairs and got into my car before resting my head on the steering wheel and just cried. What was I gonna do now? I had nobody. I lost everyone. My bestfriend my boyfriend and my only friend.

I pulled out my phone calling the only person I had left. My mother. This past month and a half we've grown closer after she explained everything to me I began to understand. She was bettering herself so I had nothing against her. It rung twice before she answered.

"Hey baby is something wrong?"

"Mommy I-I need you. I'm alone and I don't have anywhere to go."

"Journey I'm on my way you don't need to drive like this just breath and stay there I'm coming." I just hung up and waited for her.

About 5 minutes later she was pulling up to the condo and helping me with my bags.

We got in the car and began to go towards her home.

"So what wrong?@ she said as we approached a red light.

"I-I'm pregnant."

I heard her sigh.

"I had you at 16 so j can't really stress your age but to be 19 you have a lot going for yourself. So why are you sad?"

"I don't know who's baby it is it might be Javons and it might be Amod's."

"Ohh I see. I love Amod and I've always loved Javon like my own... Who's baby do you want it to be." I never really thought about that.

"I thought I loved Amod but when I was with Javon it was different I want Javin and if I had to choose t would be Javon."

"Well just pray about it baby...just pray."

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