Without a trace pt 3

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Would you dive to the bottom of the ocean the ocean for me?
If the cops came running and I had no time could I depend on you?
Would you be a fool for your lady?
I just want somebody that's crazy for my love
Cause whether I'm down or whether I'm up
Going through things you know it can get tough
can I count on you?"
Tink~Count on you

Journey pov

I woke up and it was lighter than it was earlier. I couldn't hear anything so I assumed the building was empty.
I touched my swollen cheek with my tied hands and began to cry. This was it. I was only 19 and I was about to be murdered.

I attempted to pull my knees up to my chest yet something hard began to poke the inside of my thigh.

I brung my hand to the front of my bottom only to realize it was my phone. I gasped remembering I had tucked it in when I was being kidnapped.

I took the phone out and struggled to take it out.One I did I fumbled around until it was unlocked then called the most recent number. Amod.It rung twice before I heard his frantic voice.


"Amod..Amod baby they took me from the club and now I'm in a room-"

"Calm down baby are there any windows or anything in the room?"

"Y-y-yeah but my foot's tied to an air conditioner."

"You can't break it?"

"How the fuck- no I can't break it there's some shit down here but I can't reach it I'm tied up."

"Is there anybody else in the house?"

"I don't think so earlier there was alotta sounds coming from outside the door in here but now it's quiet...they would've hear me in here talking by now so I'm alone."

"Look baby in gonna need you to take the phone and use it to bre-"

"I'm not breaking my fucking phone"

"Jo use the fucking phone it's gotta be another phone around there then you can describe where you at so we could help you."

"And what if it's not?" I said beginning to cry a little.

"We gotta chance it baby don't cry ma I'm get you outta there."

"Okay...I love you."

"I love you too baby."

"We're gonna find you Jo
I promise." I heard Javon say and that was the end of the conversation.

I hung up and wiped my tears. Hearing Javon's voice sadly made me want to make it to him in a way. I began to hit the part of the air conditioner that my chains were tied to. It wasn't metal so luckily I started to break instantly. By the time I was done my phone was in shards and the broken glass left cuts on my hand where my skin had began to bleed.

I got up and ran up the stairs and to the door yet it was locked from the outside. I couldn't kick the door because my shoes had disappeared so it would've been no use and my body weight would do nothing to the door. I looked around the semi dark basement until I felt a long piece of wood at my foot that I'm assuming was apart of the floor board. I dragged the piece of wood up the stairs and to the door. I brung the heaven piece of would and hit the door like 5 times before it bust open.

I dropped it and ran around the semi empty house looking for a phone. I ended up in the kitchen and I grabbed a knife out of a wooden knife holder. I looked around the kitchen until I saw a phone on the wall by a window. I ran quickly to it and dialed The only person's number I knew by heart which sadly was Javon's.

It rung twice before a woman answered.

"Hello?" Erica answered with an attitude.

"Let me talk to Javon please Erica." I said shaking nervously.


"What do you mean why put him on the phone." I yelled still shaking and breathing hard.

"No...no you ruin every fucking thing Jo. He wants you and it's so obvious but I need him. Me and this baby need him so I need you to fuck off and...die." She said harshly laughing a bit.

I instantly began to cry because this was my bestfriend...well I thought she was. We've been inseparable for 6 years and here she was telling me this.

"E-Erica please."

"Bye Journey." And with that she hung up.

I began crying but instantly wiped my tears and ran towards the door. I cursed myself for not thinking of just leaving from the start. I walked out and instantly began to run barefoot through the trees that surrounded the small house. I had been running for
What seemed like hours when I began to see many people and cars. I began walking towards a gas station.

I was walking out because I had used the bathroom when I heard my name being called.

I turned around to see Dion. I sighed in relief and ran up to his him and pulled him into a big hug.

"Damn your in a good mood wassup? You need a ride somewhere?" He said looking at my feet confused.

"Yeah please?"

I gave him the address and we were on our way. I was happy he didn't ask about what happened.

We were driving for a couple hours so I'm assuming the house I was at was int e middle of nowhere and the car radio said 8 so it was just beginning to get dark. Suddenly the car stopped and I turned towards him confused.

"Did I give you the wrong address cause this ain't my condo." I said laughing a little.

We were in front of a nice house that were surrounded my other nice houses instead of trees like the last one.

"Nah" he said as he got out the car and walked over to my side.

"What the hell-"

He instantly grabbed a piece of my hair and dragged me out the car and towards the house.

"HELP ME!!!" I screamed

"Fuck shutup." He whispered yelled.

By now we were in the house and in what seemed to be a kitchen he cut on a light and grabbed my hands beginning to tie my hand in a rope that I swore was cutting off my blood circulation.

"I see you out last time so
We gotta keep that from
Happening again right?"

"FUCK YOU" I spat while he dug around in cabinets before pulling out a bottle.

"Nope you already had the chance." He said laughing at his own joke.

I was about to respond when he forcefully grabbed my jaw and began to squeeze whatever was on the bottle onto my lips.

I began to scream yet he forcefully closed my mouth. I prepared to scream yet my
Mouth wouldn't open and it hurt when I tried.

"See now you can shut up see." He said smiling
Before going down to my feet and tying another tight knit around my ankles.

He carried me to what I'm assuming was another basement seeming as we were going downstairs.

"Ok now you can just sit here I gotta go get your sister in law from the airport so she can do the shit that you didn't." He said harshly before going to the top of the stairs leaving me in complete darkness.

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