f o r t y f i v e. what letters

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f o r t y  f i v e. what letters

Reyansh woke up with a severe headache. He was bothered by the afternoon sunrays that harshly woke him up and lay on his bed with little to no memory of where he was.

What had happened last night? How was he in his bedroom? And where was Pranati?

He distinctly remembered sleeping besides her, wrapped against her warm body and laying his head buried in her hair. 

The fuck had happened last night?

Reyansh looked at himself under the sheets. 

Fully clothed.

Phew. That was a relief. 

Then what was that flashback? 

"WAKE UP SK!" Jugnu interrupted his chain of thoughts and added another siren of headache when she opened the door and yelled. "WAKE UP, ITS PAST 12 ALREADY!"

Reyansh held his head, trying to stop it from pounding so hard. He couldn't even greet his daughter who looked like she was mad at him.

"Jugnu, stop screaming!" Pranati entered the room and reprimanded her daughter, "can't you see that your father isn't well?" 

Jugnu looked at Reyansh who still had his head in his hands, and then at Pranati with a pout and a frown. "He partied without me! He is hungover, that is not fair."

"Well, you had dinner with the elder Khuranas, and I had to spend New Years' alone, what about that?" Pranati reasoned with her daughter.

Jugnu sighed. 

"Why do you always have to win, DM? Can't you just let me win someday."

Pranati smiled, kissing her daughter's head and patting her back, "I will, once you surpass my height." 

Jugnu raised her arm and measured the difference between their heights. "I need to speak to Armaan chachu to get me some height soon, because I cannot take this madness anymore."

Reyansh watched the two girls talk and although they were speaking rather softly, he could hear them screaming. 


While Jugnu ran out to go give his Armaan chachu a visit, Pranati helped Reyansh gulp a disprin and water. He thanked her and let the tablet work for a minute or two while sitting back and pondering over what happened last night. 

Pranati let the man be and intended to leave him alone but Reyansh held her wrist, not letting her go. 



"What did I do last night?" 

Pranati could hear the guilt lacing in his words, misery pasted on his face and his eyes tearing on the thought of the mistake he did last night.

A mistake they did.

"Nothing." Pranati replied, refusing to meet his eyes. The flashes from last night were still running in her mind like a video on loop. "Nothing happened." 

Reyansh flinched over the pain that shot through his arm which he carelessly overworked last night and Pranati sat on the bed besides him, quick to examine his arm. Reyansh shut his eyes, biting the insides of his cheek to stop himself from crying while Pranati carefully put a cast around his arm. 

"That fucking hurts so much." He gritted his teeth. "What the fuck did I even do last night?"

Pranati dressed the wound, shaking her head. "You don't remember... anything?" 

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