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Having so much power over someone feels surreal and Louis isn't sure whether he likes it or not

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Having so much power over someone feels surreal and Louis isn't sure whether he likes it or not.

It irritates him that Harry doesn't even want to fight him, that he just lies there telling him to kill him if he wants. That Louis broke his heart with his actions, as if a nobody like him had such power.

No one ever felt anything for him. Okay, maybe hate, regret, disgust, but nothing else. Never something positive. He isn't lovable.

So Harry's words don't make any sense at all, but maybe he just uses them as a distraction, because if that's the case it certainly works. Louis is so irritated that he almost lets his weapon fall, that he almost forgets what he was about to do.

But no, he can't stop now. Not now when he finally is so close to ending his existence.

“I don't want to hurt you,” he presses out. After seeing how kind Harry is he needs him to know that this isn't personal. “I appreciate that you tried, I really do. But the only thing that's ever made sense to me is the thought of dying. It's the only thing that made me happy.”

He knows his voice sounds weak, it even breaks at one point, but maybe, just maybe Harry believes his last words.

“I'm sorry I made everything so hard on you, but ruining lives has always been my speciality,” he breathes out, now fully crying. Still sitting on top of Harry -and god his body beneath him feels so good- he leans back and eyes the wooden stake and hopes he's strong enough to push it straight through his heart.

Just when he's about to do it, he hears steps behind him and curses through clenched teeth. Those vampires are fucking kidding him. Why can't a man take his own life without being disturbed all the time?

He doesn't even fight when Liam takes the stick out of his hands and pushes him off of Harry. And when Zayn grabs his wrist violently and drags him through the house and into a cell he just goes with him without arguing about it. The way they look at him he gets the feeling they would kill him for it if it wasn't exactly what he wished for.

Thrown into the cold, unforgiving cell, Louis grapples with a turbulent whirlwind of emotions. Desperation claws at him, each stone wall closing in on the confines of his despair. The metallic echo of the cell door slamming shut reverberates through his being, sealing his fate in the aftermath of a tumultuous confrontation.

A palpable sense of sorry courses through him - an unspoken admission that his actions have become a catalyst for his own imprisonment. In the shadows of confinement, Louis reflects on the choices that led him to this point, a bitter acknowledgment of the unintended consequences of his desperate bid for liberation.

The air in the cell becomes thick with the residue of remorse as he contemplates the ramifications of his actions. The weight of guilt, like invisible chains, binds him to the cold floor as he grapples with the reality of the pain he may have inflicted upon Harry, the one person who believed in him, who trusted him enough to sleep next to him.

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