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In the midst of the celebratory chaos, Louis revels in the newfound sense of belonging

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In the midst of the celebratory chaos, Louis revels in the newfound sense of belonging. The air is alive with laughter and the clinking of glasses, and as the evening progresses, Louis finds himself at the centre of the revelry. The vampires gradually warm up to him - even the ones that were initially reserved - sharing stories and toasting to their successful negotiations.

As the drinks flow, Louis feels the edges of his reservations melting away under the influence of the alcohol. The atmosphere becomes charged with joy and Louis, with a twinkle in his eye, engages in lively banter with Niall and Zayn. Laughter echoes through the room, a harmonious symphony of celebration that washes away the strains of the earlier negotiations.

In the midst of the festivities, Louis indulges in the euphoria of the moment. His laughter becomes infectious, and the camaraderie between him, Niall, and Zayn deepens. As the night unfolds, the tipsiness settles in, adding an extra layer of warmth to the celebration.

But even when he jokes around, his eyes snap back to Harry every few minutes, his body craving Harry's in a way that even scares him a little. It's like a magnetic pull he can barely fight, an overwhelming need to be close to him. Of course Niall makes fun of him for it, but Zayn tells him he felt like that as well when he and Liam met so Louis figures it's common.

With each drink, the pull becomes stronger and after a while he just gives up fighting against it.

With a playful spirit, Louis leans into the contagious cuddliness that accompanies his drunkenness. He finds himself naturally gravitating towards Harry, who welcomes the closeness with open arms. Their interactions morph into moments of undeniable tenderness as Louis clings to Harry, their connection becoming a visual testament to the camaraderie forged in the night's revelry.

In the final stages of the celebration, Harry and Louis, despite the crowd, carve out their own little haven. Louis, buoyed by the festive spirit, clings to Harry with a playful affection.

Harry, in turn, embraces the closeness, and the two find themselves wrapped in a cocoon of warmth, cuddling and exchanging glances that speak volumes of the burgeoning affection between them. The night unfolds into a tapestry of joy and connection, with Louis and Harry, in the midst of the partying crowd, sharing moments that hint at the blossoming of something deeper and more intimate.

If that's what love feels like, Louis never wants to miss it.

As the celebration winds down, and the night's party fades into a gentle hum, Harry and Louis exchange goodnight wishes with the other vampires. The air is charged with the residual energy of the festivities, and as they make their way towards their shared room, an unspoken anticipation lingers between them.

The journey to their room becomes a subtle dance, each step carrying them closer to the private haven they share. In the quiet corridors, illuminated by the soft glow of dim lights, Harry and Louis find themselves drawn to each other. The celebratory atmosphere echoes in their hearts as their lips meet in tender kisses, a spontaneous expression of the affection that has deepened throughout the night.

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