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Listening to Harry's and Matilda’s story and seeing how much it still hurts Harry after all these years is heartbreaking

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Listening to Harry's and Matilda’s story and seeing how much it still hurts Harry after all these years is heartbreaking.

And when Louis realises that he and the whole situation reminds him of Matilda it's even worse.

What irritates Louis the most is that a sense of déjà vu washed over Louis as Harry recounted Matilda's story.

He feels like he's heard it before, a haunting familiarity that dances at the edges of his memory. Yet, despite the eerie resonance, he struggles to place the tale, leaving him with a perplexing sense of unfulfilled recognition.

He's not sure if he should tell Harry about his feeling, also he doesn't want to ruin the emotional moment they're sharing.

When Harry finishes talking he looks Louis deeply in the eyes and he even thinks that he looks down at his lips for a second, but it can't be, can it? And what did he mean that he now found his reason?

The air crackles with an electric tension. In that charged moment, anticipation hangs like a delicate thread, weaving through the atmosphere. It's a breathless pause, a silent prelude to what feels like an inevitable first kiss, with the air holding the promise of an unspoken connection.

But Louis doesn't lean in to give in to the kiss. He doesn't move at all and just looks back into Harry's beautiful, green eyes.

Louis is sure Harry doesn't want to kiss him, he told him he could be his friend and leader and nothing more after all. And this special connection is surely just because Harry feels so vulnerable at the moment and needs someone to hold on to. It has nothing to do with Louis at all.

They're silent together for a long time until Louis feels like he has to move.

“Haz, could we maybe go for a walk or something?”

“You should eat,” Harry points out but already stands up and reaches for Louis' hand. He flinches and makes a grimace when he moves too fast, his body and especially his butt aching.

“Louis, is everything alright?” Harry asks, concerned and with a frown on his face.

“Of course, Harry. Don't worry,” Louis reassures him and curses himself for being such a bad liar when he sees the look on Harry's face.

With a sharp movement Harry lets go of his hand and says, his voice angry, “I thought the lying is over. I clearly was wrong.”

His words and angry gaze cut like a knife and even if he understands why Harry doesn't trust him at all, the sharpness hurts him.

He knows he has to say something now or he'll lose their fragile connection again so he takes a deep breath and fights against his nausea.

“I’m so sorry. Fuck, it's just. It's embarrassing, okay?” Is all he says, looking at the ground and feeling tears of shame coming back into his eyes.

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