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Standing there in front of Harry's -no their- clan Louis wants nothing more than to disappear

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Standing there in front of Harry's -no their- clan Louis wants nothing more than to disappear. They hate him and rightfully so but with every look thrown his way he feels that he doesn't belong here.

Louis might belong to Harry in a weird way, he's even sure of it, because no one has ever made him feel so alive, but he doesn't belong in this villa with the clan. The only reason they don't just throw him out or deliver him to Dante is Harry’s order.

Their reactions don't exactly reassure him in his decision to break his deal but as soon as his thoughts wander back into dark territory again Louis tries hard to focus on Harry.

Harry, who wants him to live.

Harry, who despite everything likes, maybe even loves him.

Harry, who believes that Louis deserves another chance.

Harry, who throws him tender looks whenever he thinks Louis doesn't notice it.

Still, all he wants to do right now is disappear again, either alone into his own darkness or together with Harry, finding out what this thing between them is.

Because when Niall asked if they were a couple so many feelings ran through him and he felt hot and cold all over, not knowing which answer he was hoping for.

If they'd be a couple it would be his first real relationship, since nobody ever wanted more than sex and Louis wasn't open to that most of the time either. But when Harry said it wouldn't matter, he felt a pang of hurt in his chest, because to Louis it matters. He just hopes Harry didn't mean it like that and only wanted the focus to stay on the task at hand: Finding a solution for the threat Louis caused.

Louis sets aside his personal needs, becoming a receptive listener to the ideas emanating from Harry's clan, which aren't really helpful at first, still too focused on the most obvious solution: Deliver Louis to Dante and just let him die.

Driven by a profound determination to mend what's fractured, he immerses himself in the discussions, prioritising the collective goal over his individual happiness. In this selfless pursuit, Louis becomes a conduit for reconciliation, willing to go to great lengths to make things right again. The weight of his own happiness takes a backseat as he channels his energy into understanding and implementing the ideas that could pave the way to harmony, demonstrating a resilience that goes beyond personal satisfaction for the sake of the greater good.

Again and again Harry turns the ideas down and when Niall speaks up and says what's on his mind, a really drastic idea, Louis fears that Harry will actually attack him.

“I feel like he's more keen on having sex with Louis than actually killing him. Maybe we could make a new deal which satisfies him. Like, having Louis for a week or so but don't kill him.”

Niall looks at him apologetically when he shares his idea and honestly, Louis thinks it's not the worst idea. Yes, he would hate it and would most likely come out of it hurt and disgusted by himself, but he already made such a deal once and apparently he had loads of sex with Dante in his past anyway, he could do it a couple more times to prevent everyone else from suffering for him. He shrugs and looks at Harry to notice that he obviously thinks differently about it.

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