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For the first time ever Louis wakes up in a tight embrace and the feeling of Harry's body pressed against his own makes him smile, an unfamiliar happiness surging through him

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For the first time ever Louis wakes up in a tight embrace and the feeling of Harry's body pressed against his own makes him smile, an unfamiliar happiness surging through him. Last night was really special, just like Harry wanted it to be, and he still is astonished how good sex can actually be. For him, it always was about friction, nothing more, but with Harry, every touch was electrifying, every movement magical.

His heart is full of love, by now he's sure that's what he’s feeling, and it's a feeling so powerful, it almost scares him. Love, happiness, contentment, all new feelings for him and at the moment Louis feels everything at the same time.

Overwhelmed by the surge of positive emotions, Louis feels a profound warmth enveloping him, and his eyes unexpectedly fill with tears. The intensity of these feelings catches him off guard, rendering him momentarily vulnerable.

In the quiet of the room, Louis is hesitant to disturb the serene atmosphere. He's afraid to wake up Harry, who peacefully cuddles him in the comforting embrace of sleep. The delicate dance between overwhelming emotions and the desire not to disrupt the tranquillity creates a poignant moment for Louis, marked by silent tears and the gentle presence of the one who shares the bed with him. Louis lies there, in the arms of the only person he'll ever love in his life, and cries silently.

“What's wrong, Bellezza?” Harry, who moves them around to look at Louis, asks him.

“Of fucking course you wake up as soon as I am like that,” Louis growls and quickly kisses Harry’s shoulder when he frowns at his answer.

“I'm sorry, Haz. I just didn't want to wake you up, is all.”

In the soft glow of the room, Harry's gaze falls upon Louis with a tender expression. His touch is gentle as he strokes Louis' face lovingly, a silent reassurance that speaks volumes in the quiet intimacy of the moment. The warmth of Harry's affection is mirrored in the softness of his gaze, creating a cocoon of tenderness that wraps around them, bridging the unspoken emotions that linger in the air.

“Why did you cry, Lou?” he whispers, his mouth brushing over his temple.

Louis shakes his head, smiling up reassuringly. “It's nothing,” he says and when Harry raises his eyebrows he adds, “I'm just so full of positivity. There are so many positive feelings inside of me and I just, I’m not used to that. It just felt like too much.”

As Louis speaks, a wave of sadness rushes over Harry's face, his features momentarily shadowed by the weight of emotion. In the vulnerability of the moment, Louis senses the shift in Harry's expression, and a flicker of fear courses through him - the fear that Harry might pity him. The unspoken exchange between them hangs heavy with the weight of emotions, leaving Louis caught in the delicate balance of sharing his feelings and the apprehension of how they might be received.

“Tell me about your past, Bellezza. I want to know what your life was like,” Harry demands and Louis wants nothing less.

Making a grimace he moves around in Harry's arms and hides his face at his neck.

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