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Seated in the car beside Ben, Louis contemplates the prospect of a shared trip to the pet shop, a gesture intended to please Harry

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Seated in the car beside Ben, Louis contemplates the prospect of a shared trip to the pet shop, a gesture intended to please Harry. Although still not particularly fond of Ben, he's willing to extend an olive branch for the sake of his partner's happiness. As the car moves along, Louis anticipates the forthcoming visit to the pet shop, envisioning a future filled with furry companions.

However, as the scenery outside the window begins to deviate from the expected route, a growing unease settles in Louis' mind. Gradually, he becomes aware that Ben is steering the car in the wrong direction. Confusion replaces his initial willingness, and a realisation dawns upon him - the intended pet shop journey might be taking an unexpected turn.

In the shifting dynamics of the car ride, Louis grapples with a mix of concern and suspicion. The initial gesture, undertaken with a sense of compromise, transforms into a situation that warrants closer scrutiny.

With each passing moment, the wrong turns and unfamiliar paths amplify Louis's unease, setting the stage for a revelation that could alter the course of their seemingly innocuous outing.

“Where are we going? That's not the way to the pet shop,” Louis asks after another turn in a direction that shows nothing wherever he looks. The scenery outside the car window unfolds as a desolate expanse, devoid of the usual signs of life. The absence of houses and the unwelcoming nature contribute to an eerie atmosphere, creating an environment that feels disconnected from the comforting familiarity of civilization. The air carries a sense of isolation, and the landscape itself seems to whisper a cautionary tale.

“I found another pet shop online. With more diverse options. You'll see,” Ben answers, smiling reassuringly. His answer isn't really convincing to Louis but he decides to stay quiet and just look where Ben takes him. It surely can't be anything dangerous with him being Harry's best friend for such a long time. He might be an idiot, but that's it.

Just a jealous idiot who wants Harry for himself.

As they drive longer and longer his uneasiness grows and Louis momentarily curses himself for not owning a phone to tell Harry that something's off.

Ben however, smiles brightly and hums along to the songs played on radio.

Suddenly, the car grinds to a halt, and as Louis glances outside, his eyes meet an unsettling sight - an old, desolate, grey building standing alone in the emptiness. There is an eerie stillness around them, devoid of any signs of life or civilization. A knot tightens in Louis' stomach as his surroundings paint a picture of isolation and uncertainty.

The absence of any other landmarks intensifies Louis' growing unease. The isolated building stands as the sole structure in this desolate landscape, and the emptiness that stretches beyond it only adds to the disconcerting atmosphere. As he takes in the grim surroundings, a sense of foreboding creeps over him.

In this solitary and mysterious setting, doubts about Ben's intentions begin to increase. Louis' initial willingness to go along with the car ride and shared activity for Harry's sake now seems to be a potentially perilous decision.

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