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In a dimly lit room that once felt like home, Louis sits alone, consumed by loneliness and despair, yearning for an escape from the haunting shadows of his existence

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In a dimly lit room that once felt like home, Louis sits alone, consumed by loneliness and despair, yearning for an escape from the haunting shadows of his existence.

Louis gazes into the abyss outside his window, his heart heavy with the weight of solitude. The echoes of laughter from distant lives seem to mock the emptiness that pervades his own, and an indescribable longing tugs at the edges of his weary soul. Each passing moment is an almost unbearable step through the fog of despair, as if he's navigating a world where colours have faded into shades of grey, and the prospect of an escape lingers like a distant dream just out of reach.

In the stillness of the night, Louis' mind becomes a canvas painted with haunting visions of nonexistence. He yearns for the tranquillity of a world without the burden of his own consciousness, where the echoes of his existence dissolve into the quiet void of oblivion.

In these dreams, the shackles of his earthly woes loosen, and the prospect of fading away becomes a whispered lullaby, promising an escape from the relentless ache that courses through his every waking moment.

Staring into the distance, he desperately tries to find something -anything- that's worth living for, but no matter how hard he tries, he can't think of anything.

Louis doesn't remember the last time he smiled, let alone when he was truly happy. Was it when his mum was still alive or even before that? No, it can't be. His mum never cared for him either, never even cared about what her partners did or did not do to him or if he's hungry. So he surely wasn't even happy back then.

Was there ever a time, or at least a day, when he didn't feel guilty to be alive? When he truly lived without any encumbrances and enjoyed his life?

Maybe as a baby when he didn't understand what his existence meant and how unwanted he is and what a burden he was, is and always will be. Yes, that sounds about right. He must have been a happy baby, right? Or do miserable and depressed babies exist? If so, it's likely he was like that and never happy in his life.

In the quiet corners of Louis' mind, a pervasive sense of desolation takes residence. His heart, a heavy anchor, drags him through the labyrinth of his own thoughts. Loneliness, an unyielding companion, wraps its cold fingers around his consciousness, leaving him adrift in a sea of isolation.

Regret, like a spectral presence, haunts the corridors of his memories. Louis grapples with the weight of choices made by but also for him and opportunities lost, wondering if a different path could have led him away from the shadowed realms of despair.

Purpose, that should be a guiding light, flickers in the recesses of his consciousness. The once vibrant hues of joy appear muted, and he contemplates the possibility of rekindling the fading embers or surrendering to the encroaching darkness.

In the symphony of his thoughts, an unspoken plea resonates - a desperate desire for change, for a shift in the tides that might bring solace to his restless soul. The world outside continues its relentless march, but within Louis, a storm of emotions rages, turbulent and unresolved.

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