Laying To Rest

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Tenya yawned, sitting up in his bed that morning.... Or, well, he attempted to.

"Hisoka," He whispered, afraid to wake the girl.

Hisoka didn't move, her head laying on his chest, the girl completely asleep. Now, while Tenya's well aware that they're going to be late, he doesn't quite care about that right now (because this was honestly adorable as hell).

"Hisoka...." Tenya mumbled, admiring the cuteness of his girlfriend.

.... And then, she proceeded to bite him, and he had a little scream.


"Stop laughing! It's not funny!" Hisoka hissed at Mina, the Acid quirk user laughing.

"S- sorry, just- you bit him!" Mina wheezed. "You bit him and he screamed!"

"Shut up!" Hisoka retorted.

The two entered class, only for Aizawa to corner them.

"Chihara, I need you to come with me." He said, watching her carefully to gauge her reaction.

"What for?" Hisoka asked.

Aizawa thought for a moment. Honestly, it wasn't anything she wouldn't learn on her own.

"It's about the dorm systems."

Hisoka nodded. She then followed him, the two arriving at the principal's office shortly after, Nezu greeting them with a smile. He gestured for Hisoka to sit down, clearing his throat.

"I apologize for pulling you away from your classmates so suddenly, but I'm afraid we can't avoid this discussion." Nezu said, interlocking his fingers. "Our main issue is your current stance as a minor."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that." Hisoka said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Yes. Fortunately, due to you being a student here, there's no reason for this to impede your hero studies. Though, like I said, that's only the first issue."

Aizawa then spoke up, saying "Our second is the issue of Himiko Toga; the villain you captured during the training camp. We've tried removing the 'Blood Coffin' as your classmates have mentioned it's called, but it won't budge."

Hisoka chuckled, crossing her arms, saying "That's kinda the point."

Nezu nodded, saying "Nonetheless, you need to release her so that she may be properly interrogated."

Hisoka sighed, nodding in agreement.

"Anything else?" She questioned.

The two heroes appeared hesitant to respond, Hisoka frowning. Aizawa then sighed, gesturing for Nezu to take the reins.

"Your mother's funeral is soon, correct?" Nezu asked.

Hisoka tensed.

"Yeah. I'm not going." She quickly said.

"You're going." Aizawa said firmly, with just a hint of grief. "Believe me, I know how hard it is to say goodbye. You need to get this clarity, rather you like it or not.... You'll hate yourself forever if you don't pay her a proper goodbye."

Hisoka sighed. Deep down, she knew he was right. She just.... She couldn't imagine a world without her mother. Going to the funeral just confirms it.

"Fine," She ground out. "But it's just going to be me and my brothers."

Nezu frowned, asking "Are no other family members coming?"

"Nope," Hisoka responded. "My mom's side disowned her, and my dad doesn't have anyone. I don't really care either way.... We're just going to bury her and get it over with."

She then stood, leaving the office. She clenched her fists, running into Tenya on accident.

"Hisoka!" He said cheerfully. "I was just-"

She wrapped him in a hug, the engine quirk user falling silent. He slowly put his arms around her, sighing.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

".... No...."

"Do you want to cry?"


"And hug?"


The two just stayed quiet for a moment.

".... Mineta made a comment about the bite on my collarbone."


*A few days later....*

Hisoka groaned, looking up. It was going to rain. Just perfect.

"Aka." She greeted one of the twins, the young adult nodding. "Where's Hiwa?"

"Well um.... It's uh, complicated." He responded.

The two walked up to field, Hisoka raising an eyebrow.

"I don't get it. What's so complicated about-"

She froze. There, along the seats, were all of Class 1A, as well as Aizawa, Midnight, Present Mic, and Ingenium.

"What the fuck?" She mumbled.

"Have I ever mentioned you look good in black?" Tenya said, walking over to her. At her expression, he said "Bakugo practically threatened us all to be here.... Mineta even restrained himself for the sake of this. We all wanted to be here for you, so...."

Hisoka sniffled. She let out a wet chuckle, rubbing her eyes.

"I hate you guys so much...." She said, her voice holding no real venom behind it.

"We know."

Tenya and her took a seat, and Tensei went up to the front.

"Hello, everyone!" He waved. "So, erm.... I was told to play this for if this ever happened. I was honestly hoping it never would, but.... Here we are."

Tensei then placed a metal disk on the ground, a hologram of the one and only Hana Chihara. The woman sighed, before glancing up.

"I have no idea how I convinced Nezu to let me borrow one of these stupid recorders." She muttered.

It took everything in Hisoka not to burst into tears at the sound of her mother's voice.

"Hey, people. So um, if you're listening to this, then.... Ah, well I'm not really good at goodbyes, so that's not what this is gonna be. This is a thank you.

When I first started trying to be a hero, I was convinced that it was probably going to get me killed at some point. Honestly, I didn't even want the gig. I.... Didn't want a lot of things. So um.... Thanks everyone.

Thank you to the people I helped become heroes. You were by far the best students that I didn't really want. Aka, Hiwa, you two are probably going to do something chaotic. Hisoka.... You'll have to clean it up, probably.

L- look, I.... If I'm going to die or something, then I want to have earned it. I want my life to have actually meant something, if I'm going to go down. I want me to have a meaning. I want my kids to look back at the work I did, and be proud of it.... And, hey, if you're hearing this? That means it did.

That being said.... Thank you, and goodbye."

The video powered off. Hisoka was sobbing into Tenya's side, the boy himself moved to tears as he comforted her.

*A few moments later....*

"Why not just bury her normally?" Todoroki questioned, watching the Chihara siblings.

"Tradition." Hiwa said simply.

"Knife." Aka ordered, Tenya handing it to him.

Carefully, he slit his palm, Hiwa doing the same. Hisoka took a deep breath, before following suit. The others watched as the three let their blood flow onto the black of their mother's coffin, the blood swirling and twisting around it, as if carving itself into the very being of it. Like magic, all three of their cuts closed on their own, the three shuddering.

"Creepy as hell...." Hisoka muttered.



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