(74). - Tyrant of The 3rd Floor.

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  At the Academy. . .

     Me and Arabor arrived to the academys territory within just an hour or two by using a manifested carriage which I had created and disguised using my 'Shadow Manipulation' skill to get close, before sending it off somewhere far and forcing it back into the shadows.

Luckily for us, this method managed to get us right at the academy without any issues and absolutely no one questioning anything. At most, the students we passed by the somewhat busy academy halls and such just whispered among themselves about us — even throwing a mixed reaction of gazes towards us.

Some looked with curiosity and confusion, others looked at us with slight admiration — almost like we stood out so much that no one could take their eyes off us.

Gotta say, it reminded me a lot of first time at the academy, when I first arrived here. I remember all the students and even some faculty members being all... Weird and staring at me. But then again, if I was in their place — I would probably do the same if I saw someone that looked like me next to Arabor, or I suppose another man who didn't look exactly like the average guy.

"Hey, don't you think we're getting quite the amount of stares thrown at us?"

Arabor walked closer to me, leaning in and whispering to me. I looked around, throwing my gaze at all the people looking towards us both, before shrugging and exhaling.

"Get used to it. If you plan on joining me in this academy as a teacher then you'll be met with gazes like this every day from now on."

I replied, with Arabor giving me a slightly sour look,  before exhaling heavily. Afterwards he simply stretched out a bit, before placing his hands inside his coats pockets.

"Not sure how well I'll deal with stares being cast at me every day... I know that sounds weird considering who I am, but I am not the type to seek attention."

Arabor replied quietly to me, exhaling again afterwards. I simply chuckled lightly, before shaking my head lightly as well. While I'm not doubting his statement about attention, he can't say that what he did with a straight face — especially after the fiasco that had happened after he got released back in the world near the academy.

Oh yes — I know of the news that spread like wild fire, the Ancient One filled me in on them. And I have to say — I knew that his release would have quite massive consequences, however I think I underestimated just how massive those consequences would be.

Maybe I did screw up pretty badly this time.

| It was either release Arabor and take away Dvios control of the Gods Tear or get absolutely demolished by the Gods Tear. |

....When you put that event like that, I suppose my split second decision sounds like a decent decision and not all that bad...

As me and Arabor moved through the hall, our path was suddenly obstructed by Lavia, who stepped out infront of us and caused us to halt, with me even needing to gesture to Arabor to not do anything stupid.

"Mister Shin — I see you've returned from your doctor visit back in Yiinao after being exposed to Devils Dust. Are you all fine now?"

"Ah right — I am one hundred percent fine now Miss Lavia. The doctor said that I was lucky to have some kind of resistance to the Devils Dust that I was exposed to."

I replied, trying my absolute best to sound as non suspicious as possible. After all — I was NOT at any doctors whatsoever. As I understood from Arabor, that was a quick lie that Odale and Vien managed to spread by pretending to be people from the Medical Guild and take away one of my clones that I had left behind after Arabor took me to the forest and that abandoned hut.

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