part 25

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George and Lina were waiting for Arberdo to come in front of the workshop, but it was late and the night was dark, so Lina told him with a sleepy smile of hope, "George, it is late and he did not come as I thought , so what do you say we go to my house and rest, and come back tomorrow," George answered with annoyance. "Okay, but we will go to him tomorrow morning." Lena replied with a smile, "Certainly," then took his hand and left.

{{ . My ancient longing in the soul of the sweetheart, I love you, my heart, like the poet's love for verses, and your mean heart, I love other than my heart, and my gloomy longing has dried up from my eyes the dark sleep, and on my eyelids my tears trace the red traces of my orphaned love, but when I look at you, all my pains and hopes calm, waiting for your heart to love my heart. }}

Arberdo, Sprenza and Teresa embrace Gabriela, and their friends spend the night at Gabriela's house and ask her to sing and dance, and of course Julian plays music with them so that everyone dances to this beloved music * can can * with joy. It is true that Teresa cannot hear, but her heart longs to hear and feel everything. Suddenly something became silent between them, and Julian's dark eyes looked like honey, the color of their magic. He looked at Teresa and played Pepino Gagliardi's song, Settemper, and extended her hand to ask Teresa to dance. Teresa smiled admiringly and agreed, so each one of them put her hand in it, and Julian put his hand around Teresa's waist, which was almost tracing it and drawing her, and Teresa embraced Julian's shoulder with her graceful elegance, and the breaths of each of them met, and the eyes of each of them roamed with the verses of the silent language of their eyes, and love was emanating Until the place was filled and the eyes around them came to them and they danced. Their bodies touched each other until they were almost kissing each other's lips. The song ended, but each of them was still dancing and drawing with their eyes. I saw each other, and I saw the passion in every one of them. Their release was halted due to the applause of friends. Their dance was like the swan dance of love.

Washington morning is bright with light, and the birds are chirping as if to say, "Wake up, the time has come for work and work." .

Dr. Peter goes to Maria with a bouquet of roses. He goes to Susan and asks her about Maria's room, so she takes him to Maria.

Maria opened her green eyes, and the sun was flirting with her garden and coloring the strands of her hair. Then the door knocked. Knock, knock, knock. Maria answered as she got up to open the door, "Here I come." Maria was surprised by the presence of her doctor, Peter Jackson. She spoke with a smile, "Oh, my God." How friendly you are, Doctor of Hearts." Peter replied apologetically and happily, "Oh my dear, I missed you." Then he embraced her with love, and continued saying, "I am the one who surprised you." Maria replied with a cheerful smile and lovingly inhaled the bouquet of roses, "And is there "Surprises like the surprise of your beautiful arrival and these beautiful roses that resemble your comfortable cheeks." Then Peter laughed and thanked her, and then he called for Susan. Susan came and looked at Maria with a look of innocence and happiness and said, "Yes, dear doctor," and Peter replied, "Today I will We will have breakfast outside, as my dear sister, Mrs. Stephanie, has invited you." Everyone answered happily, "Very nice, we will go."

Stephanie was sitting waiting for her sister to arrive in one of the restaurants overlooking a beautiful green nature that resemble her sister's eyes, so she remembered the pain she had caused her.

Back to the past...

Maria cries for fear of Elias threatening her.
"Please don't do this to me. Don't kill my daughter. Kill me instead of my daughter. Please, Elias. I apologize to you." Elias responded with a crazy laugh and then cried. "I am the one who should apologize to myself because I loved you and you did not give me this love and you betrayed me. But I will kill you, then I will kill your daughter, then I will kill myself. "Because I cannot live without you," he raises the gun towards Maria and shoots, but Stephanie comes and stabs him from behind with the knife. She looks at him and says She was crying in fear: "I will not allow you to harm my little sister." So she stabbed him again with the knife until he died. Then she looked at her sister and cried in fear, and said as she took out the anesthesia needle: "I apologize to you, sister." Then I drugged her, carried her, and ran away with her.

Back to the present...

Maria hugs Stephanie from behind, "Good morning, my beautiful sister, and thank you for this invitation." Stephanie wakes up from the drowning sea of ​​the past and smiles at her sister, saying, "I am the one who should thank you for accepting my invitations," then kisses her on the cheek.
and everyone sit and enjoy the food.

George smokes cigarettes in front of the window, waiting for tomorrow as if he were dead waiting for the day he would rise , The darkness of the night is like the darkness of the day. In my heart I receive longing like arrows of war. It eats away at my pale soul. O God, save me from this affliction, and enlighten my pale soul with the scent of my daughter Teresa, for whom there is no one left but you and her...

In Teresa's house, everyone is asleep, but Teresa is awake, remembering Julian's touches on her and his look at her, and her heart, which did not refuse to calm down as she thought it had drowned in the honey of Julian's eyes...

The silence of the strings..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن