part 26

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Peter looks at Stephanie and winks at her, telling her to tell Maria now.
Stephanie looks at him and understands, so she holds her sister Maria's hand and says to her with a smile, "My beautiful sister, I want to tell you something." Maria hugs Stephanie's hand lovingly, saying, "Yes, tell me." Stephanie continues by saying, "Doctor Peter has decided that you should not return to the mental hospital." Because your situation has improved beautifully, but you will be under his care and you will live with him at home." Maria answered after a period of silence, "But he can take care of me while I am with you at home. I want to live with you, my sister. I want to see your children and get to know your husband." And I will make up for everything I missed with you." Everyone is amazed at Maria's reaction, which almost caused her to burst into pent-up tears. Everyone knows that Stephanie is not married, does not have money or a home, and works as a prostitute. Stephanie replied: With fear and flight, her said, "I wish for this, but I cannot. This is what the doctor ordered. For the sake of your health, you must live with him for a while and then move to live with me." Maria smiled happily and said, "You promise me." Stephanie shook her head silently, saying, "Yes, I promise," so Maria embraced her with love and affection. Susan and Peter look on with love and pain.

Milan, Italy. The morning is bright, but Arberdo wakes up dark in a dream that awakens with terror.
Teresa sits crying, holding a picture of the naked cello woman, and shouts at him: "Why did you leave me ignorant of my past? Why didn't you tell me that my mother Maria was the naked cello woman? Why do I hate you, hate you?" He ran towards Teresa, but when he approached her, she moved away until Teresa fell. In a deep hole he stands stunned and crying. Then he turns to Maria's unknown melody and finds Maria playing the cello while she is pregnant and naked... Then he feels someone touching his shoulders, so he turns to find George smiling and telling him, "I am alive and I will do it." "I will take revenge on you, you traitor, and take my daughter, Teresa, from you, you bastard." To push him, but everything he saw in the dream disappears, and he finds himself falling into a deep hole. He looks and finds Teresa, George, and Maria all looking at him gloating, so he screams, but the screaming was... silent...

Then Arberdo wakes up, falling out of bed, and Gabriella panics for Arberdo, "My darling Arberdo, what happened to you? Are you okay?" Then Arberdo looks at Gabriella in shock and says, "I had a terrifying dream." He bursts into tears, and Gabriella hugs him and tells him not to worry, this is a dream..

Teresa woke up early, went to her father's workshop, and found Julian there waiting for her.
"Oh, hello, Professor Julian," Julian replied, taking her hand and kissing it. "I'm asking you not to call me Professor. It's better to just call him Julian." Teresa smiled, her heart overflowing with love, saying: Fine, as you wish. Please enter. We'll have coffee with you and then we'll go together. To the university." Julian smiled at her and said, "Okay, then."

Pereiro talks to the Communist Council about the plan that Sprenza will do for them.

Pereiro: I told you, but as I told you, don't hurt Sprenza, she is my lover and we will get married soon.

The man said to him while laughing: But if you do not want us to harm her, then make her stop fighting us.

Pereiro: I will try, but what is required of me?
The man gives Perero a cigarette and says: What is required of you is to blow up the National Agricultural Bank.
Pereiro lights the cigarette and blows smoke, saying: Well, as you wish, sir.

Julian is in Arberdo's workshop looking at pictures and antiques, but what catches his attention is a picture of his father with Mr. Arberdo. He takes the picture and looks at it carefully. He is surprised, so he goes to Teresa, who is pouring coffee, and asks her: "Teresa, who is this man?" Theresa answered as she handed it to him. A cup of coffee. "He is my father's big brother and he is my uncle, but I have never met him. It is known that he died in a strange accident, but why the question?" Julian was surprised by the answer, and he said to him: "I mean, Mr. Ferrero is your uncle." Teresa answered, looking at him in astonishment: Yes. But how did she know my uncle's name? Khulian sits silently and says to her: "I didn't believe this." Then George and Lina interrupted their conversation.

George and Lena enter the workshop and say hello, but George looks at Teresa, who has the eyes of her mother Maria.
Teresa greeted them and asked them if they wanted an assistant. Theresa's looks at George were like the looks of a daughter to her father.
After a period of silence, George said: "Theresa, my daughter, how you look like your mother. Oh my God, you are Theresa," and he cried and continued, saying: "I your father, George." So George ran to her like a drowning man running to the shore... and Anchored in her embrace, safety and a return to life.
{{..Our longing for the unknown was painful... and we drank from the one that poured reproach upon our eyelids...
What a looks like a painter's palette. In a moment, he was shedding tears.. In his painting, he was drawing with his pale fingertips... calm, turbulent waves... as if the soul was drowning... in the waves of the past and the present... so the past consulted us... and passed over us. The present.. The mind has become deaf.. What is strange is that a person has become accustomed to ignorance of the present, but how can he be ignorant of the past.. Unfortunately, the waves have turned against him.. The past has become the present and the present is the past.. O the groaning of the heart, respond to my groans.. For the past is not The past and the present are not the present... so it is difficult for him to believe in anything, as it is like lost links in a sunken maze... all he has to do is accept it until it becomes... groans are melodies... screams are poems... stabs are hugs... and frowns. In the name of... and distress is relief... and inspiration is bliss... and misery is wealth... life is like a queue waiting for results... and for every result there is work... so give good news, O good-hearted person... for you are certain of goodness... if your heart is certain of purity. .. }}***

The silence of the strings..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن