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No One POV

Aria stumbled out of bed, her head pounding in rhythm. The alcohol from last night had left her feeling queasy and disoriented. She shuffled over to her drawer, grabbing the medicine potion she kept for these exact moments. 

She downed it quickly, the bitter taste making her grimace. With a shudder, she made her way to the bathroom, hoping a good brush and some freshening up would help clear the fog.

As she brushed her teeth, her eyes wandered to the slightly ajar door of Draco's room. She finished up brushing her teeth and washing her face. A frown tugged at her lips as she peered in, seeing him still asleep. 

It was past noon, and Draco was usually up by now. The sight was strange, but she shook her head, deciding not to overthink it.

Returning to her own room, she slipped into her silk robe and house slippers. Standing before Blaise's door, she hesitated. The tension between them, especially after last night, made her rethink her impulse to knock. 

She remembered Draco's advice about letting go of grudges and decided to take it to heart. With a sigh, she turned on her heel and headed downstairs.

Grabbing a crisp apple from the kitchen, she made her way back up to her room. The quiet solitude of her space seemed inviting after the chaos of the previous night. She was about to ascend the stairs to her room when Narcissa's voice called out to her from the study.

"Aria, dear! Could you come here for a moment?" Narcissa's tone was warm but carried an undertone of authority.

Aria hesitated for a moment before making her way to the study. She had been trying to avoid any more interactions than necessary, but she couldn't ignore Narcissa's call. As she approached the door, she took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for whatever might come next.

The room was elegant, filled with soft light from the large windows and decorated with tasteful, understated luxury. Narcissa sat gracefully on a plush couch, her expression serene yet carrying a hint of concern.

"Aria, please, have a seat," Narcissa gestured to the couch opposite her. Aria obliged, lowering herself onto the soft fabric and trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach.

Narcissa observed her carefully. "Is everything alright? You seem a bit off this morning."

Aria forced a polite smile. "I'm just a bit tired, I suppose. Nothing major."

Narcissa nodded but didn't press further. Instead, she leaned forward slightly, her gaze intense. "Actually, there's something I wanted to discuss with you. It concerns Draco."

Aria's heart skipped a beat, and she tensed involuntarily. She nodded, her expression neutral but her mind racing. "What about him?"

Narcissa's eyes narrowed slightly, as if choosing her words with care. "There's a dinner with the Greengrasses tonight. It's quite an important event for our family. And I've noticed some... interesting glances exchanged between you and him."

Aria's eyebrows shot up. She had thought she and Draco had been discreet enough. "And what does that have to do with me?"

Narcissa held up her hand slightly, her demeanor serious. "I'm not naive, Aria. I was young once, and I understand how feelings can develop. But Draco is promised to Astoria Greengrass. This arrangement must be respected, and it must end tonight."

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