CHAPTER 55 : Effort

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A new day dawned as soft sunlight shone through Kan's bedroom window. The sunlight caressed the room's owner's face, waking him up. He understood more after hearing what Book said last night, but it did not make the tightness in his chest go away, not even slightly.

He understood that his older brother was still confused, but he did not understand why he had to be the recipient of the other's ambiguous emotions. Book's words seemed to guarantee that the two of them would be unable to move past their relationship in the "Brother Zone," despite having shared a bed together.

Kan continued to act as normal as possible since waking up, attempting to follow his daily routine despite his heart's ongoing turmoil.


Kan's phone buzzed once. The owner picked it up and discovered it was a message from Book asking.

P' Book: Are you home?

Kan's eyes widened when he saw it, but he hesitated before responding. A part of him was relieved that the other was still contacting him, while another was concerned that he would lose control. But before he could type a response, Book sent another message.

P' Book: I will stop by your house shortly.

When Kan saw that message, he became very alarmed. It was not exciting that Book was coming to his house, but he was nervous because his current state was not suitable for receiving guests. He did not want Book to see him in his shabby state.

He had showered but not shaved or put on makeup, and his clothes were loose and holey. He expected to dress comfortably at home; who would have predicted that an important guest would pay him a visit?

Soon after, Book's car parked in front of Kan's house. He got out of the car and walked to the doorbell. The smaller person walked out, smiling brightly, to open the door and invite the taller one inside, but the latter stood still.

"Wait..." Book refused to walk in.

"..." Kan stood silently looking at the other, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"I was thinking of taking you out to a cafe to relax and have some drinks."

"Oh! Why did not you say it earlier? I haven't gotten dressed yet."

"I'll give you half an hour. I'll wait."


Kan's head was filled with confusion, not understanding why it had to happen so suddenly. But it was preferable to sitting or lying around at home, doing nothing. So he decided to quickly return to the house to prepare to leave right away.

Kan had changed his clothes and styled his hair in less than 30 minutes and was walking down the stairs looking good. Luckily, he had already applied makeup while waiting for Book to arrive, which saved him a lot of time.

"Too fast," Book teased as he noticed the other had arrived earlier than expected.

"Of course! I was really bored at home. It's good that you messaged me."

"See? You can't do without me."


Book's words made Kan choke. His smile faded away almost immediately. If he wasn't sure whether they could continue together, why did he say something like that? Did he not realize it was like giving hope?

Kan's demeanor made Book realize that he had accidentally said something inappropriate. So he quickly changed the subject, putting Kan in the car and driving away.

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