(79). - Preparations for A Bait.

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        Me and Lavia arrived to the Headmasters office not that long after she came to pick me up and without knocking on the door, we entered it, with me closing the door after us. Inside — There was the Headmaster waiting alongside with Malteese, who was sitting on a free chair, which was in the right corner of the room — almost right by the entrance to the office.

Surprisingly, the office looked... A bit different than the last time I was here. I believe the first time I was here it was decently large, then the second time when I was here — which was when I arrived with Arabor, it was a bit smaller and now....

It was a lot smaller than originally — being about as big as 2 of the dorm rooms, which were just enough for one person to live comfortably inside of.

Teacher dorm rooms — I should specify. The students have bigger ones.

Upon us entering, the Headmaster turned to face us, before exhaling and placing a small smile across his face as we approached closer, with Malteese also getting up from her seat and walking over, leaning against a wall just left of the Headmasters desk.

"I brought Mister Shin like you requested Sir."

"Yes, yes — I can see that. Thank you Miss Klier."

The Headmaster stated, his tone cheery as usual, although at the same time — it had a small glimpse of worry and nervousness to it at this time as well.

Probably because of the entire case with the Crystallized Students and all... I imagine any Headmaster would be worried about the potential future after witnessing 4 Students who got affected by powerful petrification.

Actually.... Do they even know that it's petrification? Guess I'll wait and see what they talk about with me here, and in case they don't know that it is a case of petrification yet — then I'll tell them.

Lavia nodded towards Illio, before moving to the right side of his desk, taking a military-esk stance once in position and looking forward coldly.

"Mister Shin — I thank you for coming."

"Oh no it was no trouble at all.... Though I must ask why you had requested for my presence?"

I asked, rubbing the back of my neck at first, before looking at the Headmaster dead serious. Illio looked at me a bit confused.

"Surely you already know why — It's about that message that the perpetrator in this case had given to Tollo to relay to you."

Well, yeah — I suppose it was a dumb question to ask why he had summoned me when the reason was blatantly obvious... However at least I now had proper 100% confirmation for that being the reason for my requested presence.

That was something.
After a small moment, Illio exhaled a bit heavily.

"I must ask — have you decided on what you'll do yet? About your response to the message, I mean. Will you go or not?"

Illio asked, his tone not having any presence of its usual cheery and warm nature and now just was dead serious, with a hint of nervousness and even a small amount of sadness in it.

I shook my head in response, crossing my arms.

"I have not — however, I do ask you to not intervene in this matter as it was I whose presence was requested."

I replied just as seriously, with Malteese letting lose a small snarky chuckle before laughing out loud and walking up to me, before placing her left arm onto my right shoulder.

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