Chapter 3

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The restaurant was a bit warm inside, so Jiang Tao took off her coat and placed it on the seat next to her.

Cao An glanced over.

Wearing only a white knitted sweater, the nurse seemed even more delicate. Combined with her anxious and nervous expression, she looked as if she was being forced into a date by him.

Cao An was very aware of how he appeared to others.

Since it was natural, he didn't bother to hide it. Marriage was a lifelong commitment, and he couldn't pretend to be someone else just to get a wife.

The waiter brought over the food.

"Do you need help?"

"No, we can handle it."

Refusing the waiter's help, Cao An placed a few pieces of meat on the grill.

Jiang Tao watched his hands.

With his height and strong build, Cao An's hands were long and powerful, with sun-kissed skin that exuded strength.

Jiang Tao even suspected he could easily bend the stainless steel tongs.

This was the first time Jiang Tao had encountered such a man in real life.

"Are you afraid of me, or are you just not good at socializing?" Cao An suddenly looked up and asked.

Jiang Tao realized that Cao An's silent presence was unsettling, but when he spoke, his aura intensified.

"A bit of both," Jiang Tao replied, holding her glass with both hands and taking another sip of lemon water.

Cao An asked, "How did Auntie introduce me to you?"

Jiang Tao carefully summarized, "She mentioned your age, education, height, and said you have a good character."

"Great body" would sound ambiguous, "very wealthy family" too vulgar, and "has never dated due to being inarticulate" was a complete lie to cover up his intimidating appearance!

The nurse was really setting her up.

Cao An said, "I can't say I'm a particularly good person, but I'm definitely not a bad guy. I've always followed the law."

Jiang Tao nodded.

Though the nurse had set her up, Jiang Tao still believed she wouldn't introduce her to a criminal.

Cao An flipped the meat on the grill. His phone, lying beside him, suddenly lit up.

He picked up the phone and answered, continuing to turn the meat with his eyes downcast.

Jiang Tao couldn't hear the other side, only Cao An's concise replies.

"Is it buried?"

"I'll be there in the afternoon. Prepare another one to be buried."

Jiang Tao: ...

Nearby diners: ...

Bury what? Surely it wasn't what they were thinking, right? To be so bold in public, could he really be a mob boss?

The restaurant, already under low pressure, grew even quieter. Jiang Tao could hear a diner at a nearby table gulping down their drink.

Cao An hung up and the meat was cooked. He first placed a few pieces on Jiang Tao's plate.

Jiang Tao forced a smile, "Thank you."

Cao An replied, "You're welcome."

He always cooked double portions, evenly distributing them once cooked, to avoid back-and-forth politeness.

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