Other Simple Prayers P12

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Prayer 130
Prayer for Those Homebound
Thank You, Lord, for my situation.
I am sheltered from the weather. I have electricity, labor-saving devices, heating, cooling, and water. I have clothing and food. People come to care for me and keep me company. I can work from home. I can call for medical help or police or firefighters. I can get books. Pastor brings me Word and Sacrament. I have Your promise of everlasting life. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 131
Prayer For People With Special Needs!
Lord God, every life is precious in Your sight.
You see the wounded, the weary, and the oppressed. Bring comfort to those who need healing of body, mind, and spirit. Work Your will and bring restoration to those who suffer. Give us hope for the day when there will be no pain or tears, when all will be perfect and whole in Jesus' name we pray amen.

Prayer 132
Prayer For One is Dying and you can alter this one to ask Jesus to help you remember your loved one who believes has gone to be with Him in a better place.
Almighty God, You teach us to number our days, and mine are nearing an end. Lord, let Your servant depart in peace. You have given me eyes to see Your salvation in the person of Jesus Christ. Keep me focused on Him who died for me so that I may live. Help me to know that nothing in all creation, not even death, can separate me from Your love in Christ Jesus into your hands I commit my Spirit amen.

Prayer 133
At the Time of A Death Prayer
Lord Jesus, You went before us, living a perfect life and conquering death so all who follow behind You will pass through the portal of death without feeling its sting. Let the spirit of this precious one rest in You until the day that it reunites again with the same body, transformed and perfect. Grant peace until the day that You raise all from the dead and bring Your followers into the new creation eternally amen. (I'm praying this one frequently myself to help relax myself in God's presence right now.

Prayer 134
For the Bereaved Prayer
Lord Jesus, You know sorrow and are acquainted with grief. You wept at the grave of Lazarus.
In the midst of my grief, give me hope in Your promise of life and resurrection. In my loss, grant the comfort of Your presence, knowing that You will be with me always, even to the close of the age. And help me to look forward to the day when all who believe and are baptized will be reunited at Your glorious return amen.

Prayer 135
A Birthday Prayer
Dear Father in heaven, You created me and have sustained me through the years. I thank You for the gift of life. Since You have redeemed me from my sin through Your Son Jesus and have given me new life by Your Holy Spirit, help me to lead a life that shows You proper honor and praise for Your mercies toward me. Continue to bless and watch over me in the year ahead, that I may faithfully serve You in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 136
Anniversary Prayer for Someone's Baptism
Lord God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — You baptized me, giving me Your name, forgiveness of sins, and deliverance from death and the devil. Remind me daily that I am Your child, baptized into Jesus' death and resurrection. Grant Your Spirit to preserve me in the one true faith, that I may keep Your covenant into which I have been called. Thank You that I will share with all Your saints the joys of everlasting life amen.

Prayer 137
Prayer For All Husbands & Their Wives
Lord, You instituted marriage before the fall. Teach husbands and wives to seek, provide for, and protect each other. Teach husbands to honor their wives, and wives to submit to their husbands, according to the standard You established in 1 Peter 3:1-7. Teach them to follow even more closely the example of Christ and His Bride, the church, in Ephesians 5:22–23 in Jesus' name amen we pray.

Prayer 138
At the Anniversary of A Marriage Prayer
Lord of love, You give good things. You designed marriage as a picture of the love You have for Your church, Your people. Forgive us when our love does not reflect Your own. Fill us with Your Spirit so that we may be united, walking together in Your will. Thank You for preserving and blessing our marriage. Guard us, that our love may be a testament of the love You have for all in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 139
Prayers For Single People
Dear Father in heaven, You have given me to be single like the apostle Paul. Help me to trust in You and to lead a chaste life. Grant me good friends and healthy companionship so that in the callings You have given me I may live a life of service and show forth the love of Jesus.
Grant me wisdom by Your Word and faith to follow where You lead, that in all things Your good and gracious will may be done in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 140
Prayers For The Unemployed/Underemployed
Lord of labor, we all need work for what is necessary for ourselves, for our families, for our needs, and for Your church. Some among us do not have meaningful work. Guide these people to honest and meaningful vocations. Teach us all to understand work as a blessing, for in working we learn that our talents and skills come from You. Help us to learn the joy found in helping those who need help in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 141
For Those Who Are Traveling A Short Travel Prayer
Lord, we are leaving on a journey.
You know about travel. You were in open country, across the water, in small towns, and in Jerusalem. As an infant, You went to Egypt, a foreign country. Protect and guide us now as we travel. Make our ways safe and our homecoming joyful, and bring us at last to our heavenly home, where You dwell in glory with Your Son and the Holy Spirit one God now and forever amen.

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