Advent Season Christian Songs P4

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Hymn 342:  What Hope! And Eden Prophesied
Text: Stephen P. Starke 19555
Music: Repository of Sacred Music P2 Harrisburg 1813 John Wyeth edition

Verse 1: What hope! An Eden prophesied where tame live with the wild;
The lamb and the lion side by side led by a little child!
Verse 2: A shoot will sprout from Jesse's stem a branch from David's line,
A Prince of Peace in Bethlehem, the fruit of God's design.
Verse 3: As banner of God's Love unfurled Christ came to suffer loss
That by His death a dying world would rally to the cross.
Verse 4: Come Jesus come Messiah Lord, Lord lost paradise restore.
Lead past the angel's flaming sword. Come open heaven's door/

Hymn 343: Prepare the Royal Highway
Text: Frans Mikael Franzén, 1772-1847; translation Lutheran Book of Worship 1978.
Music: Swedish, 17th cent.; setting: Henry V. Gerike, b. 1948

Verse 1: Prepare the Royal Highway the King of Kings is near!
Let ev'ry hill and valley a level road appear!
Then greet the King of Glory foretold in sacred story.

Chorus/Refrain: Hosanna to the Lord for He fulfills God's Word!

Verse 2: God's people see Him coming your own Eternal King!
Palm branches strew before Him! Spread garments! Shout and sing!
God's Power will not fail you! No more shall doubt assail you!

Chorus/Refrain: Hosanna to the Lord for He fulfills God's Word!

Verse 3: Then fling the gates wide open to greet your Promised King!
Your King yet ev'ry nation its tribute too should bring.
All lands bow before Him! All lands adore Him!

Chorus/ Refrain: Hosanna to the Lord for He fulfills God's Word!

Verse 4: His is no earthly kingdom it comes from heav'n above.
His rule is peace and freedom and justice truth and love.
So let your praise be sounding for kindness so abounding.

Chorus/Refrain: Hosanna to the Lord for He fulfills God's Word!

Hymn 344: On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry
Text: Charles Coffin 1676-1749
Music: Adapted by Michael Pratorius 1571-1621.

Verse 1: On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry announces that the Lord is nigh
Awake and hearken for he brings Glad Tidings of the King of Kings!

Verse 2: Then cleansed be ev'ry life from sin. Make straight  the way for God within
And let us all our hearts prepare for Christ to come and enter there.

Verse 3: We hail Thee as our Savior Lord our Refuge and our Great Reward.
Without Thy grace we waste away like flow'rs that wither and decay.

Verse 4: Lay on the sick Thy healing hand and make the fallen strong to stand. 
Show us the glory of Thy face till beauty springs in ev'ry place.

Verse 5: All praise Eternal Son to Thee whose advent sets Thy people free.
When with the Father we adore and the Holy Spirit evermore.

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