Other Simple Prayers P4

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Prayer 34
Dear heavenly Father, thank You for crafting a world to enjoy and thank You for creating us. Forgive us when we don't show love to You or one another in Jesus' name amen we pray.
Read Genesis 2:18–25 or Psalm 72:1-7
It is not good that the man should be alone. Genesis 2:18

Prayer 35
Father thank You for promising Your Son to restore all things out of love for us in His name amen.
Read Genesis 3 & Psalm 80
He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel. Genesis 3:15

Prayer 36
Father thank You for setting into motion a promise that would be a blessing for all people. Help me Your child bless others through Your Son in His name I pray amen.
Read Genesis 12:1–9 or Psalm 22:25–28

Prayer 37
Jesus You are the way connecting heaven and earth amen.
Read Genesis 28:10–22 or Psalm 103:6–22
This is none other than the house of God and this the gate of heaven. Genesis 28:17

Prayer 38
Dear God thank You for rescuing me from sin, death and the Devil in Jesus' name I pray amen.
Read Exodus 2:23 & 3:22 or Psalm 136 & Exodus 3.
I have surely seen the affliction of My people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their sufferings. Exodus 3:7

Prayer 39
Saviour You promised to always be with us through Your Spirit live in us today and every day in Your name we pray amen.
Read Exodus 25:10–22 and Psalm 150
There I will meet with you. Exodus 25:22

Prayer 40
Jesus, Son of God, You are our King! Reign in our hearts now and forevermore amen.
Read 2nd Samuel 7:1–17 & Psalm 138
Your throne shall be establish forever. 2nd Samuel 7:16

Prayer 41
Triune God thank You for the opportunity to visit Your house. Turn our hearts in joyful expectation of the day that we are always in Your presence in Jesus' name amen we pray.
Read 1st Kings 6:11–36 and Psalm 26.
I will dwell among the children of Israel and will not forsake My people Israel. 1st Kingd 6:13

Prayer 42
Jesus thank You for Your faithfulness and Yocur steadfast love which endures forever amen.
Read Hosea 4:1–3 and Psalm 36
There is no faithfulness or steadfast love and no knowledge of God in the land. Hosea 4:1.

Prayer 43
God renew our hearts so that our worship is an outpouring of love for You and for others in Jesus's name amen.
Read Isaiah 58 and Psalm 147
Then you shall call and the Lord will answer. Isaiah 58:9

Prayer 44
Dear heavenly Father forgive us when we take You for granted. Thank You for Your steadfast love in Jesus' name amen.
Read 2nd Kings 24 and Psalm 137
By the waters of Babylon there we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. Psalm 137:1

Prayer 45
Lord Jesus we have turned our backs on Your love, forgive us and give us new hearts filled with love for You amen in Your name we pray.
Read Lamentations 3:19–49 or Psalm 51:1–12
Let us test and examine our ways and return to the Lord! Lamentations 3:40

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