Red Hymnal 97-106

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97: I'm Gonna Sing
I'm gonna sing, sing, sing! I'm gonna shout, shot, shout!
I'm gonna sing! I'm gonna shout. "PRAISE THE LORD!"
When those gates swing open wide I'm gonna sit by Jesus' side!
I'm gonna sing; I'm gonna shout. "PRAISE THE LORD!"

98: Psalm 100
Hallelujah, glory hallelujah,
Hallelujah, glory hallelujah,
Hallelujah, glory hallelujah,
Hallelujah, glory hallelujah!

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord
All ye lands, all ye lands!
Serve the Lord, serve Him with gladness!
Come before His presence with singing!!

Know ye that the Lord is God
And it is He that hath made us
And not, we, ourselves!
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture!
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving
And into His courts with praise!!
Be thankful unto Him
And bless His holy name!!!

For He the Lord is good
And His mercy is everlasting!!!
And His truth endureth, endureth
Endureth to all generations!!!!

99: Blessing And Honor And Glory

Verse 1: Blessing and honor and glory be Thine.
And glory be Thine and glory be Thine!
Blessing and honor and glory be Thine.
Both now and evermore!

Verse 2: Praise Him! Praise Him! All the saints adore Him!!
Praise Him! Praise Him! Both now and forevermore!!

Verse 3: Blessing and honor and glory be Thine!!
And glory be Thine and glory be Thine.!!
Blessing and honor and glory be Thine!!!
Both now and evermore.!!!

100: Heavenly Father

Verse 1: Heavenly Father I appreciate You.
Heavenly Father I appreciate You.
I love You; I adore You. I bow down before You.
Heavenly Father I appreciate You.

Verse 2: Son of God what a wonder You are!
Son of God what a wonder You are!
You've cleansed my soul from sin,
Sent the Holy Ghost within!
Son of God what a wonder You are!

Verse 3: Holy Ghost what a comfort You are.
Holy Ghost what a comfort You are.
You lead us; You guide us. You live right inside us!
Holy Ghost what a comfort You are.

101: Stand Fast
Based on Galatians 5:1

Verse 1: Stand fast in the liberty
Wherewith Christ hath made us free.
Stand fast in the liberty
Wherewith Christ hath made us free,
And be not entangled again
With the yoke of bondage.
Stand fast in the liberty
Wherewith Christ hath made us free.

Stand fast in the liberty
Wherewith Christ hath made us free.
Stand fast in the liberty
Wherewith Christ hath made us free,
And be not entangled again
With the yoke of bondage.
Stand fast in the liberty
Wherewith Christ hath made us free.

102: Oh, Say. "But I'm Glad!"
Writer: Rev. J. P. Sullivan. Composer: M. E. Sullivan

Verse 1: There is a song in my heart today.
Something I never had!
Jesus has taken my sins away!
Oh, say. "But I'm glad!"

Chorus: Oh say but I'm glad; I'm glad.
Oh say. "But I'm glad!"
Jesus has come and my cup's overrun!
Oh say. "But I'm glad!"

Verse 2: Wonderful marvelous love He brings
Into a heart that's sad!
Thro' darkest tunnels the soul just sings!
Oh, say! But I'm glad!

Chorus: Oh say but I'm glad; I'm glad.
Oh say. "But I'm glad!"
Jesus has come and my cup's overrun!
Oh say. "But I'm glad!"

Verse 3: We have a fellowship rich and sweet!
Tongues can never relate!
Abiding in Him is a real treat!
Oh, say! But I'm glad!

Chorus: Oh say but I'm glad; I'm glad.
Oh say. "But I'm glad!"
Jesus has come and my cup's overrun!
Oh say. "But I'm glad!"

Verse 4: Won't you come to Him with all your care?
Weary and worn and sad,
You, too, will sing as His love you share!
Oh, say! But I'm glad!

Chorus: Oh say but I'm glad; I'm glad.
Oh say. "But I'm glad!"
Jesus has come and my cup's overrun!
Oh say. "But I'm glad!"

103: Oh Come
Based on Psalm 94:1-7
Composer: Stuart Dauermann

Verse 1: Let us come into His presence
With thanksgiving.
Let us make a joyful noise
Unto Him with songs of praise!
For the Lord is a great God
And a great King.
He's the King above all others!
Oh, let us sing of His praise!

Refrain: Oh come and let us sing.
Come let us sing unto the Lord!
Make a joyful noise to Him,
The Rock of our Salvation, is He!

Verse 2: In His hands are the depths of the earth
And the mountains are His.
Yes, the sea is also His!
For His hands formed the dry land.
Oh come let us worship!
Kneel before our Master.
He is our God and we are His people;
We are the sheep of His hand!

Refrain: Oh come and let us sing.
Come let us sing unto the Lord!
Make a joyful noise to Him,
The Rock of our Salvation, is He!

Year Recorded: 1975

104: Honey In The Rock

Wonderful and marvelous is Jesus to me
Sweeter than the honey in the honeycomb is He,
Jesus is real, He'll never fail,
I will love Him now and throughout all eternity.
He tastes like honey in the rock,
He tastes like honey in the rock,
He tastes like honey in the rock,
On taste and see, the Lord is good,
He tastes like honey in the rock.

Wonderful and marvelous is Jesus to me
Sweeter than the honey in the honeycomb is He,
Jesus is real, He'll never fail,
I will love Him now and throughout all eternity.
He tastes like honey in the rock,
He tastes like honey in the rock,
He tastes like honey in the rock,
On taste and see, the Lord is good,
He tastes like honey in the rock.

105: I Saw The Lord
Based on Isaiah 6:1-3

I saw the Lord; I saw the Lord!
He was high and lifted up!
And His train filled the temple!
He was high and lifted up;
And His train filled the temple!
The angels cried. "Holy!"
The angels cried. "Holy!"
The angels cried. "Holy is the Lord!"

I saw the Lord; I saw the Lord!
He was high and lifted up!
And His train filled the temple!
He was high and lifted up;
And His train filled the temple!
The angels cried. "Holy!"
The angels cried. "Holy!"
The angels cried. "Holy is the Lord!"

106: Stand Up For Jesus
Writer: G. Duffield
Composer: G. J. Webb

Verse 1: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross,
Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss;
From vict'ry unto vict'ry His army shall He lead,
Till every foe is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed!

Verse 2: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the trumpet call obey;
Forth to the mighty conflict, in this His glorious day.
"Ye that are men now serve Him," against unnumbered foes;
Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.

Verse 3: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in His strength alone;
The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own!
Put on the gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer, Where duty calls, or danger, be never wanting there!

Verse 4: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the strife will not be long;
This day the noise of battle, the next, the victor's song.
To him that overcometh, a crown of life shall be;
He with the King of Glory shall reign eternally!

Hymns 107-113 next chapter enjoy, sweet Skylights!

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