Other Simple Prayers P28

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Prayer 210
For Retired Persons: Lord of creation, on the seventh day, when Your mighty work of speaking the universe into being was done, You rested. Bless those who, having striven with the labor of their bodies and minds to contribute to the world, now rest, passing on their work for someone else to continue. Give them new direction and purpose in this time of retirement and bless them with new and rewarding ways to serve You in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 211
By Those Who Travel: Lord of hosts, wherever I travel,
"even there Your hand shall lead me" (Psalm 139:10).
Watch over my coming and going, now and forever. Keep in Your care those whom I love. If I should be called to enter into Your rest, grant that my faith in Your Son will be remembered by those whom I leave behind, that they may rejoice; for You live and reign with Him and the Holy Spirit, one God forever in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 212
For Those Who Serve Our Nation: Lord of the nations, You know that we live in a broken and sin-sick world. As such, until Jesus returns in glory to make all things new, there will be conflict and war. I thank You for those who serve to defend our country. Use them as Your instruments to bring stability to us and to bring an end to conflict, that we may worship You and serve our neighbors in peace in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 213
For First Responders: Dear Lord, thank You for those who come rushing to help others. Thank You for their courage and steadfastness. You work through their skill to bring urgent help. Thank You for giving them the abilities to help others. Give them generous hearts to use their time and talents for others. Continue to protect all our first responders so that they can continue their life-saving work in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 214
For the Church: Lord, Your people want to follow You. Still, the church on earth is made up of imperfect, sinful humans.
Guide Your flock as it represents You to the world. Keep it from being a place of contention and strife. Give its leaders a heart for service and a firm adherence to Your Word. And breathe into Your church the flame of Your love, that it may reach the lost and draw them to You in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 215
For Our Pastors: Gentle Shepherd, Jesus, those who lead Your church sometimes grow weary from the task of looking after wayward sheep. Strengthen pastors to endure when the going gets tough. Use the people around them to encourage them and surprise them with joy as they tread faithfully in Your footsteps. Feed them with Your Word and help me and other believers listen to their guidance as though it is coming from You amen.

Prayers 216
For Missionaries: Dear Savior, You desire all people to hear Your Word and come to faith in You. Thank You for equipping and sending missionaries to those who need to hear Your message. Give them courage to face unique challenges. Equip them so that they know how to most effectively share Your Word. Bless their work so they are not discouraged but work with joy in Your name Jesus amen.

Prayer 217
For Church Colleges and Seminaries: Lord, You are present on every college campus. Be with all who teach.
Bless especially the efforts of colleges and universities that strive to help the students in their care know You.
Guide instructors who teach our future shepherds and shepherdesses. Bless the schools where Your Word is held as the ultimate authority. Lead professors in those places to exemplify Your love and compassion for Your children in Jesus' name amen.

Prayer 218
For Prisoners: Dear God, be with those who are imprisoned.
Guard them and keep them safe during their imprisonment.
Let them hear Your Word so they do not lose heart. Give them faith to trust all the promises You bring to them. As Your Word comes richly into their lives, let them share that Word with others. Be also with their families while they are separated in Jesus' name we pray amen.

Prayer 219
For Our Enemies: God, I don't understand why people can't just be nice to one another. Instead, we hurl insults, fling hatred, and throw unkindness at one another, driving a wedge into Your perfect creation. It can be hard to forgive people who have hurt me. Sometimes I'd rather hurt them back. Bless them anyway and strengthen me to love them the way You love me, with a love none of us can ever deserve in Jesus' name amen.

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