Being A Child After God's Own Heart

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Step 1: First accept being a child of God. The prayer to accept and receive God into your lives  is in the chapter Other Simple Prayers P41 at the very end of the chapter by completing this step you have completed part b of Step 1 of being a woman or a man following after God's Own Heart.

1b. Choose to Spend time with God.
That means going on a time fast of something you usually love to do and spend time building a steadfast relationship with God.
Examples: say no to sometime to Watching tv.
Say no to time on the telephone.
Say no to time with friends occasionally until You are ready to share God with them.
Say no to time in the mall
In order to say yes to God, Skylights.

Step 2: Choose God's ways at every opportunity You have and are given, Skylights.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6.

Step 3: Commit Yourself To God Daily
Romans 12:1, the apostle Paul says "to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship." As we consider our desire to commit ourselves to God daily, I want you to begin a new practice this week based on Romans 12:1. –Elizabeth George
How do we commit ourselves to God like Paul suggests?
Here's how one man did it. He wrote down a list of what he called "his rules to live by every day." And what was #1 on his list?–Elizabeth George.
"'Make a daily, definite, audible dedication of yourself to God. Say it out loud-
"Lord, today I give myself anew to you." Elizabeth George quoting an anonymous man who believed in God and really committed himself to God's will, Skylights.

Step 4: Cultivate a Hot Heart
I tried looking up the definition of a hot heart in a person the only thing was interchanging it with its warm hearted person definition but in God they are not the same thing.
Elizabeth George defines all three types of people as being very solidly differently defined.

1. A Cold-hearted person–means to be unemotional, unconscious of God. Imagine being unemotional about the things of God!
2. A Lukewarm person–means to be indifferent.
Imagine being indifferent toward God!
3. A Hot-hearted person–means to be a man/woman after God's Own Heart. Hot-heartedness–means that the heat of your heart and emotion reaches a high tem-perature. That means boiling over! And such high heat is usually paired up with violent activity, emotion, excitement, and passion. It's fiery! As I said, that's the heart of someone— you!-who's committed to God. –Elizabeth George. (An easier way to define this is that the Holy Spirit's fiery influence boils over in Your heart rather than You do have a hot heart because let's be honest it is a sign of the Holy Spirit in you not you at all exactly?.–Lumna10.)

Step 5: Choose to literally and figuratively in reality to sit at the feet of the Lord as Mary did in the New Testament.

A Poem To Help You Remember How To Grow With God

Good, better, best,
never let it rest,
until your good is better,
and your better best.

This process begins with a lot of mediocre baby steps, Skylights. Getting to know God will always feel like a slow process and you should never rush into it that's another trick of the enemy as well. –Lumna10.

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