Well, I don't know how to start this story; but you know, young Arturo and Arturo now, they wanted a love, a romance. Arturo's desire to find a person with whom to spend his entire life. I dreamed of having two children (a boy and a girl); have your own house.
Until now he has had four partners but with none of them has he found the person who loves him. Perhaps this song is important in Arturo's life because it represents that desire to dream of something beautiful that he knows deep down will not happen.
But perhaps it is the same lyrics of the song that captivates arturo and added its video; It makes him get wrapped up in that fairy tale, where if the love of his life arrives, things happen that end up hurting him and letting him go; Once he let him go because he continued thinking wrongly about his ex, another time it was an illness and a few others due to commitments or distances.
Whatever it's just tell me you love me...

Arturo. début de la fin...
RandomUn individuo que encuentra a través de historias cortas, relatar algunos episodios de su vida... Una historia real, contada a través de un personaje ficticio. Pido excusas, por lo que van a encontrar en el texto, algunas frases pueden herir sensibil...