Talk to Me

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Both of them walked silently in the forest, Jaekyung leading the way as he was the only one who was conscious enough to know what route they took two days ago from the bridge they had left their friends at into the house they spent their cycles together. Jaekyung has always considered himself a quiet person, especially since before the apocalypse, but now that he's getting a cold shoulder from the omega he's even feeling nauseous.

He's not saying a word at all, not even a grunt or anything; just following him blindly through the river side that would lead them towards the bridge where they had told the rest to wait for them.

Dan... talk to me.

We don't have anything to talk about, and don't keep pushing it.

This is ridiculous, stop.

Dan frowned looking at him before shaking his head softly, moving forwards to where the alpha guided him. He had told him to not involve feelings in this and what's the first thing he did? Catch fucking feelings! He can't really fully blame him for that, he knows he feel something as well, but damn it...

Using his shoulder, he hit Jaekyung on the arm as the man stared at him confused.

I wasn't expecting you getting offended over me having feelings for you.


Is it really that bad that I like you?

Enough! ―Dan grunted. ―You are not allowed to like me like that!

Well, bad news for you, because I do!

Dan turned to face him once more, grabbing him by the shoulders to look at him sternly in the eyes. The alpha simply looked at him, expecting some kind of explanation, but the omega simply shook his head in negation.

You don't like me.

Why are you so insistent over that?

Because... You and I just slept together, shared pheromones, that's it...

You know damn well that's not all we did.

When did I...? ―Dan grunted, pushing him away softly. ―God!

Okay? That's it? "Just share pheromones and sleep together"? Because that's what couples do.

We are not a couple, Jaekyung.

But we could be if you let me.

Why would you even...? ―Dan puffed some air. ―You don't like me. ―he repeated himself.

And you're wrong. I like you. Deal with it.

Dan turned red in anger, covering his face as he kept walking, now leaving him behind.

You are not allowed to like me!

Is it really that bad?

Yes it is!

Then explain to me why is it so bad!

The omega turned silent upon the inquiry, mumbling something underneath. Jaekyung got closer to him, standing right behind him as he waited for this long desired answer, but all Dan did was look at him over his shoulder, looking almost shy.

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