Chapter Twenty Seven

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For anyone still reading here's a new chapter.

Good news is the last two chapters will be posted very very soon.

Two weeks later, Abbie was released from the hospital, though she wasn't able to go back to work for another couple of weeks. During her time recuperating, HPD received a new Captain, in the form of Ethan Greene, a transfer from Los Angeles. While the worked together on a case, Steve and Ethan butted heads.

Following Abbie's return to work, Captain Greene worked several more cases with Five-0, and although he and Steve continued to not get along, he and Abbie did.

Danny thought a bit too much.

"It doesn't bother you?" questioned Steve, as he drove Danny's Camaro to the crime scene they had just been called to.

"Does what bother me?"

"You know, the super good-looking police Captain hitting on your wife."

"What are you talking about?"

Danny rolled his eyes, "C'mon you cannot be serious. He's been ogling her since she came back."

Steve turned to glare at Danny before turning his attention back to the road.

"All I'm saying is if a man that looked

Steve shook his head, "This conversation is over."

Danny began to laugh, "You're jealous."

"I am not jealous."

"You are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are," he smirked.

"You want me to pull this care over. You can walk."


Several weeks later, while Abbie was taking JJ to school, Steve was attacked in the house, but survived with minor injuries. It turned out that Steve and members of his old SEAL team were being targeted. With the help of Joe White, he followed a lead to Morrocco and later flee to Montana. During that time Joe was killed. While reeling from his death, Steve went off the grid for the next month, having no contact with anybody, including Abbie.

"Daddy!" JJ yelled as the front door to reveal Steve.

"Hey buddy," he picked JJ up and hugged him tight.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too buddy," he hugged his son tighter, "More than you know."

"John Joesph McGarrett I told you to clean up your room twice already," Abbie's voice called as she walked down the stairs.

"Mom, dad's home," Steve put him down as he walked over to his wife.

Steve embraced her, but he could feel her stiffen.

"Go clean your room," Steve told his son.

"But dad you just got home."

"Now," he said sternly.

"Yes sir."

With JJ upstairs, Steve opened his mouth to speak.

"There's chicken left in the fridge if your hungry," she said before brushing past him to walk up the stairs.


Steve spent some time with JJ before he entered his and Abbie's room.

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