Chapter Eight

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A month had passed since Max and Sabrina's wedding and Steve's odd behavior. Though Danny had tried to insist that Steve was jealous, Abbie simply blew off the idea. We're not together and we never really were. So why would he be jealous? I mean we never talked about our relationship, just briefly after I had JJ. Maybe its time we do. Abbie quickly shook away that thought. What's the point? It won't work anyways. Those thoughts had been swirling around in her head since the wedding but she continually dismissed them.

A beaming smile appeared on her face when she caught sight of her son and his father making their way down the stairs. Both Steve and her son were dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, khaki shorts and straw fedora.

"I cant get over how cute he is" she gushed as the two of them entered the living room.

Steve nodded agreeing with her. He couldn't get over how much JJ looked like him and how much he grew each day. He had just turned three months old and he had recently discovered his feet, which became his favorite thing to play with. The past few morning when either parent entered the nursery to a wide awake baby he lay there with his little feet in his chubby hands with that toothless grin both of them grew to love.

"So are you excited about your boys day?" questioned Abbie as she grabbed her phone charger from the kitchen and placed it in her large blue and white striped travel bag which was on the couch.

"Getting to spend the day with this little guy" he smiled playfully tickling the infant in his arms who once again let out that adorable laugh. "Of course I am."

"What are you guys doing anyways?" she asked not knowing what Steve, Danny, Chin and Grover had planned to do with her three month old son.

"That between us, right JJ?"

Abbie chuckled, zipping up her bag and slinging it over her right shoulder once she heard the car horn blare from the driveway, "That's your aunt Catherine, I gotta go before she starts blaring that horn again," she said kissing the babies' forehead. "Have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"That doesn't leave much," he joked as she waved goodbye once more before heading out the door.

"We're gonna have lots of fun aren't we buddy?"

"Cath this the best idea you've ever had," Abbie commented before taking a sip of her virgin strawberry daiquiri as as she lounged back in her pool chair at the Turtle Bay Resort on the North Shore.

"Every once a while a good one pops in my head," joked Catherine, repeating the actions of her cousin. Catherine had come up with the idea two weeks prior of her, Abbie and Kono having a girls weekend when she noticed how exhausted both women had been. When the rest of team had been made aware of the plans Chin decided it was a good idea for the men plus JJ to have a guys weekend at the same time, though they would still be on call with work. Abbie was truly ecstatic to spend time with two of her best friends together; the first time she was able to do that since Catherine moved to the island. Kono and Catherine quickly became close friends as they learned they had a lot in common.

"I just can't believe she's been away from the baby this long and still hasn't called Steve," joked Kono causing all three to laugh.

"I've gotten better since the first time." It had been a month since Abbie had gone back to work and for the first three days she had called the nanny twenty times; but after she was finally assured that her son was well taken care off the calls had stopped much to the delight the team and especially the nanny.

The girls spent the rest of the day relaxing pool side and were now in their hotel room getting ready to head down to Pa'aki, a restaurant located on the resort. Kono was in the bathroom applying her makeup while Catherine was finishing up curling her hair and Abbie was strapping on her gold sandals, when Abbie's phone rung.

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