Chapter Twenty Two

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That night, Abbie and Steve slept in their own beds. Though they had been living together for the past four years, their romantic relationship was brand new and still awkward for both of them. The I love's you they had shared in the forefront of their mind, over four years in the making.

The following morning as Abbie stood in the kitchen cooking breakfast for JJ, Steve walked in and without a word wrapped his arms around her.

Abbie grinned, her body practically melting into his.

"Good morning," he grinned kissing her cheek.

"I can get used to this," beamed Abbie.

Steve said nothing. Instead he turned her entire body around pulling her into a passionate kiss.

"Mhmm. Definitely can get used to this," she mumbled against his lips.

"Why are you smiling?" Danny asked as he and Steve entered 5-0 headquarters.

"What I can't smile?"

"You," Danny raised an eyebrow, "No."

Abbie quickly walked passed the duo, and Steve's face lit up. Something that did not get past Danny.

A huge grin spread across Danny's face, "So you two finally do it?"

"Really Danny. She's the mother of my child. Must you be so vulgar?"

Danny gave his best friend a hard glare.

"I told her I loved her. You happy?"

"So are you two finally together?" the smile on his face continued to grow.

"Yes Daniel."

"I'm really happy for you two."

Steve raised an eyebrow, "That's it. That's all you have to say. No I told you so. No its about time."

"Steven. I am shocked that you think so little of me."

"I hate you," Steve rolled his eyes.

"But you love Abbie," he continued to tease.

Not ten minutes later Kono entered Abbie's office, "You and Steve finally get it together?"


"You two finally admitted what we've all known this whole time?" Kono smirked.

"Where'd you hear that?"


She rolled her eyes, "Of course." Kono looked on with a massive smile, "Yes. We did. We're dating now so you can save the I told you so."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Because I'm not twelve."

The smile never left Kono's face, "I'm just really happy for you."

Abbie was practically glowing, "Thanks."

Inside Steve's office Danny continued to question his best friend, "So when you say together, is she your girlfriend now?"

"We're still talking about this?"


"Yes she's my girlfriend. You happy now."

"Ecstatic," beamed the detective.

"You gonna take her on a proper date?"

Steve raised an eyebrow, "We have a child together. We're a little past proper dates."

"You finally make her your girlfriend and you're not going to celebrate," he threw his hands in the air in dramatic fashion, "Must I teach you everything. Woman loved to be wined and dined."

"Abbie isn't like most women. She doesn't care about that."

"Tell you what. I'll take JJ for the night. Charlie's been begging to have a sleep over. Do with that what you will."

Danny exited the office without another word.

A few moments later, Steve pulled out his phone and sent a text to Abbie. Tonight. 630. Wear something nice.

"Steve where are we going?" Abbie questioned as slipped on her nude heels. All day he wouldn't explain why he had texted her and what they were doing.

"Are you almost ready?" he called upstairs, ignoring her question.


Abbie walked down the stairs donning a one shoulder red dress, her hair in waves with natural makeup adorning her face.

"Wow. You look stunning" smiled Steve.

"Not so bad yourself Commander," grinned Abbie, "Still aren't going to tell me where we're going."

"Nope," he grinned before leaning forward for a kiss.

"Can't we just stay here," she mumbled against his lips, "We have the house all to ourselves."

Steve pecked her lips a few more times before reluctantly pulling away, "We're going to be late."

The two arrived at Orchids, one of the most romantic and expensive restaurants on the island.

Once seated, Abbie opened the menu, "Steve this place is outrageously expensive."

"Don't worry about it."

Abbie furrowed her brow as she continued to scan the menu.

"What's the matter?"

"To be totally honest. I don't eat half of this stuff"


"Honestly I could really go for a burger and beer," she paused, "I'm not a fancy person. I'm sorry."

"I love you," he grinned.

"You're not mad?"

"No. I'm not really into this place either," he admitted, "I let Danny talk me into wining and dining you. I should have known better."

"Never take dating advice from Danny Williams," she laughed.

"Wanna get out of here and head to Side Street?"

Abbie smirked, "I thought you'd never ask."

"This is the best burger in the world," Abbie spoke as she took a sip of her beer.

Steve smirked as he took a sip of his beer, giving her an intense glare.

"What do I have something on my face?"

Steve laughed and shook his head, "Your so cute."

"Steve McGarrett did you just use the word cute?" she chuckled, "We look ridiculous. You're in a suit and I'm in a bright red dress and heels in a bar. We stand out like sore thumbs."

"Who cares," he shrugged his shoulders, "Besides to me you're the only person in the room."

"Such a charmer Commander McGarrett."

"This is still a little weird isn't it?" Abbie stated.


"I mean being on a date. I feel like we should be asking first date questions, getting to know each other," she said, "But we have a child together, were obviously way past that."

He shrugged his shoulders taking another sip of his beer, "Does that really matter?" he asked, "So we did things a little backwards. We're together now that's all that matters."

The new couple spent the next two hours on their date, enjoying the company of one another. Though they had known each other for nearly seven years as friends and co workers but this was on a different level.

"Since Danny has JJ for the night, we have the house all to ourselves," Steve spoke once they were inside their house. He quickly made his way over to her and placed his hands on her hips pulling her flush against his body.

"What do you suggest we do," responded Abbie suggestively. She placed her arms around his neck pulling his face to hers. Their lips mere centimeters from each other.

"I can think of a few things."

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