Chapter Seventeen

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This chapter is about episode 6x25, plot and dialogue have been taken directly from the show, though some have been adjusted to fit this story.

Life changes in an instant. Being in this line of work, the 5-0 team knew this all too well. They were used to delivering bad news to family members. What they weren't used to was getting the bad news themselves. As Abbie sat in the hospital chapel her mind raced back through the events of the day.

In the past two weeks there had been eleven overdoses from meth on the island. The latest victim was Nahale's friend. Steve and 5-0 had decided enough was enough and they needed to do something about it. Steve sand Danny were soon able to get information on how the tainted drugs were being delivered via a plane and the two, undercover, get a spot on the plane. Mid-flight multiple shots were fired with Steve getting hit; thus forcing Danny to take control and radio for help.

"You've lost both engines your gonna have to put her down in the water," control informs Danny.

"Control that's not going to work. My partner is unconscious. If I put this thing down in the water I'm not gonna be able to get him out of the plane. He's gonna drown."

"You don't have a choice detective."

"Yeah, yeah I got a choice. I'm gonna put this thing down on the beach, okay."

"Detective we strongly advise against that. I understand your concern for your friend. But consider yourself. Your best chance of survival is a water landing."

At this point the team made it to the beach and had been listening to the conversation between Danny and the air traffic controller; all visibly upset but ready to help as soon as the plane lands.

"Listen, I'm not gonna put it down in the water. I'm gonna put this thing down on the beach. Okay? Clear the beach, I'm coming in."

Danny turned to an unconscious Steve, "Hey Steve listen to me. I know you've never been any good at listening to me, but right now you got no choice, you stubborn son of a bitch. Do not die. Hey! Listen to me, do not die okay? I'm not landing this thing for you to die on me. You understand? Huh? Good."

The landing was anything but smooth but once on the ground 5-0 rushed to the plane to help carry the injured Steve out of the plane and was placed in the awaiting ambulance and rushed to the hospital.

After what felt like hours the doctor came to talk to team "Commander McGarrett has suffered devastating damage to his liver. A bullet has cut into multiple fragments making the entire organ inoperable. If he doesn't receive a new liver in the next few hours he will die."

Both Kono and Abbie were in tears while the males fought to hold back their own tears,

"I'm in" Chin said immediately

"Me too," Grover added.

"Same here," both Kono and Abbie added.

"We can certainly run some tests and determine which, if any of you are the correct match for Commander McGarrett," the doctor explained.

Danny spoke up, "Let me, uh, just save everybody some time. Steve and I are the same blood type so just use mine."

With Danny and Steve now both in surgery the team along with Max, Jerry, Grace and Nahale all sat anxiously awaiting any news. Abbie had called her mother to fill her in on what happened and asked if her parents could go to her house and stay with JJ. They agreed and asked to be filled in with any news.

"You know when I first lost Malia, as you might imagine, I was in a....pretty dark place," Chin began to tell Lou, "But was like he knew I wasn't sleeping. This guy would call me up in the middle of the night, 'Yo, Chin what are you doing? I'll be like 'nothing.' He would say, you want to grab some coffee?' So we'd go to this place near me. And we'd just sit there. Sometimes we would talk, other times, we wouldn't say much of anything. And this went on for weeks. Now he ever mentioned it. This was just something he did because he knew I couldn't bear to be alone. You know, he was there for me, like when my father died, John McGarrett was there for me. Two times in my life, I really needed a friend....and both times that friend was named McGarrett."

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