Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 5x8 spoilers ahead. Recognizable dialogue is either directly taken or altered from this episode.

I no longer have access to the entire episode so some scenes/storylines are altered to fit the story.

Steve stood amongst the crowd of people as he waited for a familiar face. He had received a call two weeks prior and though surprised he was happy nonetheless.

A few minutes had passed before he spotted the redhead.

"Hey," he waved to get her attention.

"Aloha Stevie," smiled Deb as she embraced her nephew.

"It's so good to see you Aunt Deb." Steve beamed with happiness. Deb was a second mother to him and always enjoyed when she would visit.

"Oh honey it's always good to be seen," she said and broke away from the hug. "Speaking of when do I get to see my new nephew?" Steve had called his aunt after JJ was born, but this was the first time she was able to come to Hawaii since his birth.

"Tonight," he smiled, ecstatic that she was finally going to meet him. "Abbie insisted on having a big dinner tonight."

"Great. I really like that girl," she paused. "Hunny before you ask I don't know where your mother is. Your sister said that you called she doesn't know where Doris is either. I'm so sorry"

Though Steve had told himself he was done trying to find his mother, Wo Fat's confession and subsequent death reopened old wounds he thought had healed. Now more than ever he needed answers and Doris McGarrett was the only person who could give them.

Shaking his head at yet another dead end in the search for his mother, "No its," he stopped himself. "Tell me about your trip. How was it? Was it good?"

Deb laughed "It was amazing. You know I was a little worried because we booked it after the last round of chemo. I didn't know if I'd be up for the trip but sweetheart that sea air is just what I needed."

"The treatments are rough huh?"

"Rough doesn't begin to describe it but the doc says the tumor in my brain has shrunk half its size so I guess it works."

"Well you look great."

"Makeup and a good wig," she said as she playfully tugged on her hair.

"Listen I'm so glad you decided to fight back Deb."

"You can thank Leonard for that. He's the one who talked me into get into the ring."

"Where is he anyway?" Deb turned to look "Hunny?" she called waving to an older, average sized man wearing glasses.

Once he walked over to the two Deb made the introductions. "Sweetheart this is Steve. Steve, Leonard Cassano."

"Nice to meet you Leonard. Welcome to Hawaii," he greeted, shaking the man's hand.

"I finally made it to paradise," he smiled turning to Deb when he spoke.

"Hunny were on land five minutes already when are you gonna give him the news," Leonard asked as the three began their exit from the port.

"What news?"

"Well short version, Leonard popped the question and I said yes," Deb smiled proudly showing off her engagement ring.

Steve was shocked to say the least. "You're engaged?"

Before she could respond Steve's phone rang. "McGarrett. Where. Okay. I'm on my way."

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