Chapter Nine

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Episode 5x4 and 5x5 spoilers ahead.

Though I have used scenes from 5x5, I have either changed completely or altered dialogue.

I'm really trying to update more frequently but sometimes life gets in the way. Thanks to those who have stuck with me.

As usual thoughts are in italics.

"Have you talked to your mother?" Abbie randomly asked as she and Steve sat down to eat breakfast; JJ lay happily in his bouncer just feet away from his parents.

He nearly choked on his bagel when he heard the questioned. He rarely talked about his mother with Abbie, or anyone for that matter. He was too busy with everything else going on in his life to worry about where his mother was. She's a grown woman and if she wanted to contact him then she would. Of course he loved and cared for his mother but he finally realized that if she wanted to be found she would have by now.

"What," was the first thing to come out of his mouth. "Why would you ask me such a random question?"

"I was out with my mom and JJ the other day," she began to explain "And looking at the two of them I just realized that he won't know your parents. I know your dad's gone but your mom isn't. Family is extremely important to me and JJ should know his grandmother."

He understood where she was coming from; growing up family was important to him too. But if he was being honest he hadn't thought about his mother in a while. Even when his son was born, his mother hadn't crossed his mind and he was okay with that. Once he found out his mother was actually alive, their relationship had been strained. He attempted to renew the relationship they once had but once again she had chosen to leave and Steve accepted that. She was a grown woman and if she wanted a relationship with her children she would have one.

"Does she know about JJ?" questioned Abbie.

Steve shook his head " I don't know where she is." It would be great if she knew of her grandchildren but that wasn't on him or Mary, it was on Doris.

Abbie could tell by the look on his face that he didn't want to have this conversation anymore. She was about to say something when his cell rang and he excused himself from the table.

Steve walked back into the kitchen a few moments later with an unreadable look on his face that Abbie could tell wasn't good.

"Steve what's wrong?"

"Wo Fat escaped."

Abbie could feel her heart dropping at the sound of those three words. The three words she never wanted to hear. Wo Fat had been after Steve for years and was capable of anything. The man was truly evil an unpredictable and that scared her.

Her eyes quickly shifted to her son's gleeful smile and it broke her heart to think that anything could happen to the innocent infant. And with Wo Fat's escape anything was possible.

"Steve," began Abbie.

He knew what she was thinking. He was thinking the same thing. Wo Fat would stop at nothing when it came to the vendetta he had against the McGarretts and that included harming a infant.

"Abbs," Steve began in a comforting tone "I know you're worried about JJ so am I. But I will never let anything happen to him. You know that."

"Is that supposed to be reassuring because its not. You of all people know what that sick bastard is capable of."

His voice raised "What do you want me to do put an officer on our son, promise you Wo Fat won't try to come after him." Steve sighed "I can't do that but what I can do is promise that he won't lay a finger on our son. I'm going to protect him at any cost. I would die before I let anything happen to him" And he meant it. When JJ was born he immediately felt the father son connection and was immensely protective of his son.

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