Chapter Twelve

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Two months had passed since Deb and Leonard's wedding and though changes were happening throughout the house, one thing that remained the same was Steve and Abbie's relationship. Though Steve had previously admitted his feelings to his aunt, he chose to keep them to himself. Both continued to suppress their feelings and focused their energy on JJ. He was now eight and a half months old and had recently began crawling so they had been forced to baby proof the house. For about two weeks he had been trying to walk. He'd take one step and that was all. Abbie had caught him pulling himself up using the coffee table earlier in the week, so she tried to get him to walk but it was to no avail.

"C'mon JJ come to mommy!"

JJ gripped the couch in the living room as he stood and stared at his mother

"Come here baby," she cheered him on. The emotions she was feeling laced her voice. Overjoyed that her son was near a major accomplishment. Ecstatic that he was growing up; and on the flip side downhearted that he getting older. My babies' not a baby anymore.

The front door opened and in walked Steve, coming home straight from work. "What's going on?" he smiled, knowing that at any time his son could be taking his first steps.

"Somebody's ready to be mobile!" beamed Abbie, ever the proud mother.

Steve left and retreated to his bedroom to put his gun in his room safe and change clothes. Coming back downstairs a couple of minutes later in a white tee and grey sweats he saw JJ was still standing in the same spot; he was happy to know he hadn't missed it.

He let go of the couch and instantly fell on his butt. The toddler was not deterred as he struggled to pick himself back up.

Steve walked over and first moved the coffee table out to of the way, then walked behind JJ picked him up and stood him on his feet as he held onto his hands.

"C'mon buddy you can do it," urged Steve.

He tried again but fell once more. Steve repeated his actions and patiently urged his son to try again.

Steve held onto JJ's tiny hands and together they walked to where Abbie was; about a foot away. While he was wobbly on his feet JJ still made the walk.

Abbie picked up her son and peppered his face with kisses. "Good job baby boy."

JJ continued this two more times holding his father's hand. They tried one more time to see if he could do it by himself.

He did. JJ took about ten unassisted steps and neither his mother nor father could wipe the smile off their faces for the rest of the night. Both tore their sights off of the newly mobile infant and for a few brief moments were only focused on each other.

Ever since she could remember Abbie wanted to be a cop. She wanted her life to have meaning; to do good in the world. Every time she put a criminal away she felt she had done so. It didn't mean it was an easy job. Being human and having feelings could get in the way of doing your job properly. Abbie was always a compassionate person but was able to put her feelings aside when it came to doing her job; except when it came to children. Any case that involved children had always been hard for her, but after she had JJ it was extra difficult to not become emotionally involved. The case 5-0 was working on was one of those cases, except this time the child wasn't the victim.

JJ Benson, a precocious five year old boy was now left without his parents. His wide baby blue eyes were sullen and red from crying. Abbie couldn't help but think this was her JJ in five years. 5-0 was currently working on the murder of his parents while HPD was trying to contact family members. Abbie had the little boy in her office while they waited.

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