Chapter Twenty Three

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Short chapter to set the scene for the next one.

Hope everyone's doing okay in quarantine!

Abbie awoke the following morning wrapped up in the bed sheets, her back towards Steve; his muscular arm wrapped around her naked torso. She laid there for a few minutes before letting out a sigh.

"I heard that," Steve spoke, his voice husky as he had just awoke.

Abbie let out an involuntary shiver; she could feel his breathe against her neck.

Slowly she turned around so that she was facing him, his arm still wrapped around her.

"What's the matter?" he asked. He placed his forehead against hers, their noses touching.

"I don't want to get out of bed."

Steve laughed and placed a kiss on her lips, "Then don't. We'll stay in bed all day."

She sighed again, "We can't. Danny's gonna be over soon to drop off JJ."

He kissed her again. Knowing she was right. He was just trying to enjoy the last few moments they'd have alone.

When he pulled away, Abbie stared at him; her eyes full of love and adoration.

"What?" he smirked questioning what the look was for.

"You and I McGarrett. We're meant to be."

Steve said nothing; just looked at her with the same love and adoration in his eyes. It was at that moment he knew exactly what he needed to do.

He leaned in to kiss her when there was a loud knock on the door.

Abbie couldn't help but laugh at the interruption.

Steve groaned, "Danny has the worst timing."

"He's your best friend," she laughed.

"Not anymore."

Several days later Danny had come up with the idea to stage an intervention for Steve. Since he had been diagnosed with radiation poising it appeared to his closest friends that he wasn't taking his health seriously. Danny spoke with Abbie and though she was concerned she felt an intervention might be too far, but she wasn't going to argue with Danny. He decided to hire a stress management consultant and that didn't go over too well with Steve.

"What's with micromanaging my health all of a sudden? What's going on? Steve questioned his best friend.

"Okay because I'm scared, you're not taking this seriously."

"Why would you say that?"

Danny sighed "When you told me you had radiation poisoning it was... you were very casual. I'm genuinely scared for your health okay? I lay up at night and I'm sick about it. I can't sleep. I almost called that therapist to get another session. You don't take this seriously that's why."

"You're exaggerating alright. You're over exaggerating."

"I'm not exaggerating.... Talk to Abbie."

"Why wouldn't you say anything?" questioned Steve.

"What am I supposed to say? That you're not taking this thing seriously about your own health? I mean I'm not gonna put that on you...It's my own thing. What am I gonna say to you?"

"I'm scared too man... I know I don't. I don't show it but deep down I'm scared. You don't think I want to live a long life. You don't think I wanna marry Abbie. That I don't want to be there for me own son and watch him grow up? I love your kids alright, Charlie, Gracie. I want to see the grow up. I want to be there for Joanie. I'll tell you what I'm not gonna do. I'm not gonna obsess over something that might happen. and I can't let you do that either. I'm serious about this. And there's one other thing please whatever she says to you. Don't do that. Don't change. I love you man. I love you the way you are. I need it to stay that way alright? BFF's remember."

"BFF's," replied Danny.

"There's something I need to tell you," Steve began, "I'm gonna propose to Abbie."

"It's about time," smiled Danny

"I know"

"So, when are you gonna do this?"

"First I have to talk to Joseph."

"I'm really happy for you. All three of you."

Later that day when Steve arrived home, he decided to have a talk with Abbie.

"Why wouldn't you tell me you were concerned about my health?"

"Steve of course I'm concerned. You have radiation poisoning and since you told me you haven't talked about it again."

"It's not something I want to talk about," he explained.

"I know but it's here and its affecting you."

"I understand. But I don't want to focus on it. I want to focus on here and now. On you and building our relationship, on raising our son," he moved to embrace the woman he loves.

"I'm scared Steve. I love you and I don't want to lose you," she told him.

"I'm scared too. But you aren't going to lose me. I'm not going to let this take over my life," he assured her.

"Did you back out of the proposal?" Danny questioned. It has been a couple of weeks since Steve confided in his best friend that he was planning on proposing to Abbie.

"I've been planning the op," replied Steve.

"The op?"

"I've got permission, scored a ring and secured a plan of attack. Now I got to execute."

"Wow it sounds so romantic," Danny laughed, "The way you say it. I can see it now. You and Abbie in matching camouflage cargo pants on one some shooting range and you get down on one knee saying 'babe I want you to go on a lifelong mission with me. I mean its every woman's fantasy. Perfect for the mother of your child."

Steve glared at his partner, "You wanna know a secret. Sometimes when you speak...when you open your mouth and speak all I hear is wa wa wa. It's like I'm in a Charlie Brown cartoon."

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