Chapter Two

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For the next few months, Abbie and Steve continued to fall into the same pattern of going to each others' houses and ultimately falling into bed. Although it proved to be difficult at times, they were able to keep that from their friends/co-workers. Each time the made love Abbie struggled to stop herself from falling deeper, because to her it wasn't just the physical intimacy but the emotional one they both felt but never spoke about.

It was eight in the morning when Steve heard the knocking on his door. He groaned before disentangling himself from a sleeping Abbie. A small smile appeared when he noticed the serene look that graced her face. The knocking continued as he got out of bed and grabbed a pair of jeans out of his closet. He had learned over the past couple of months that Abbie was a pretty sound sleeper so he knew the noise wouldn't wake her.

He walked downstairs and answered the door to see Grace and Danny standing on the other side, both dressed in comfortable clothes and sneakers.

"Hey what are you guys doing here?" he asked nervously as the two walked inside.

"We're suppose to hike Diamond Head today. Don't you remember Uncle Steve?"

"Of course I remembered Gracie. I thought we were going to meet there."

"No Steven. It was your idea, so we agreed you would drive." Danny said. Steve was never nervous but Danny noticed he was being a little weird.

Just then the sound of someone walking down the stairs was heard and all three turned to see Abbie wearing nothing but Steve's black t shirt that came down to her knees. Once she saw Grace and Danny standing in Steve's living room her face immediately flushed with embarrassment.

She was about to turn around and head back to Steve's room when Danny with a giant smirk on his face greeted her "Hello Abbie."

"Hey guys" she greeted both father and daughter, moving to stand behind Steve to hide her half naked body.

"Why dont you have pants on?" Grace blurted out as the smile on Danny's face widened.

"Yeah Abbie why don't you have pants on." Danny repeated.

"Why don't you go wait outside while I change." Steve said trying to save her from further embarrassment.

"Oh I'm fine right here Steven."

"Why don't you come with us Abbie" Grace asked, suddenly fine with the fact that she hadn't gotten an answer to her previous question "We're going to hike at Diamond Head and Danno said we could go to surf afterwards."

That surprised Abbie as Danny is not a beach person "I don't know Grace. I don't have my board with me."

"Please Abbie it will be cool to have another girl there with me and I'm sure Uncle Steve has an extra one" she smiled.

Although Abbie was thoroughly embarrassed the young girls' smile caused one of her own to form. "I can't say no to that. I just have to change." Over the past few weeks she realized it was a smart idea to keep a bag of clothes with her when she was at Steve's house. She practically ran up the stairs to get away from further questioning from Danny.

Grace sat down on Steve's couch while Abbie changed. Danny turned to say something to his friend but Steve stopped him "Shut up."

Steve went up to his room to change into a pair of grey shorts and a dark blue Navy tank he had. Abbie walked into his room wearing black shorts and a long grey tank top, with her red bikini top noticeable.

"I'm sorry about Danny" he told her.

"It's if he keeps it up I'll have to kick his ass" she joked as she put her hair in ponytail.

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