Chapter Fourteen

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Spoilers for 5x24 and 5x25. Parts of these episodes have been tweaked to fit the story.

Recognizable quotes have been taken from these episodes. Some may be altered.

Note: Brief mention of Kono and Chin's grandmother in this chapter. I don't know her name so I created one.

As always thoughts are in italics.

Planning a wedding is stressful for most brides. Kono knew this and since she agreed to marry Adam she assumed she would have to do it on her own; her mother's health was declining by the day so she was unable to participate in the planning. After being asked to be maid of honor, Abbie declared that was not going to happen. Despite both of them having busy schedules with work and with Abbie caring for a ten moth old the two along with Catherine were able to plan the wedding of her dreams.

It was now May 7th, one day before Adam and Kono were set to marry and the following day at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki. Once all the final details were discussed the trio were going over the final details. Once that was finished they all headed to Kono's house for a low key lunch.

"Before we eat I just want to give you two this," she said as she handed the two women a small royal blue gift bag filled with white tissue paper.

"What's this for?" questioned Catherine as she accepted the gift.

Kono smiled, "For all the help you two have given me. I couldn't have planned this wedding without you."

That garnered a smile from Catherine and Abbie as they removed the tissue paper to reveal an 8x10 silver picture frame with Not Sisters by Blood but Sisters by Choice each adorned with a picture of the three of them taken when the three spent the weekend together at the spa. Both were taken aback by the simple but thoughtful and generous gift from their friend.

"I know it's not much but I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate both of you," beamed Kono.

"It's beautiful Kono," Catherine said as she embraced her.

Abbie was next to show her appreciation, "You will always be my kaikuahine,"sister, Abbie told her.

Soon after both women left, leaving Kono to spend the rest of the day of her day at home, her thoughts filled with the wedding that was going to take place the next day.

Meanwhile, Steve and Danny were in the middle of an investigation and were on their way to speak with a suspect.

"So you bringng a date to the wedding?" Danny questioned out of the blue. The ride had been surprisingly quiet until Danny broke the silence with the question.

"Don't have one," was Steve's simple response.

"What about Ellie?"

"Ellie's my buddy, I don't want to mess that up," answered Steve.

"What about Abbie?" he just had to ask. He loved giving Steve a hard time about his relationship with Abbie. He knew they both cared for each other more than friends but neither was willing to explore any further. Danny understood that but it didn't mean he wasn't going to annoy his best friend about it.

"No" Steve sternly spoke after he glared at Danny for asking.


"No because no."

"You gotta date sooner or later Steve."

"And I will but not right now," replied Steve.

"Melissa has a cute friend," Danny began to speak but was cut off by Steve's right hand that came off the steering wheel and made an up and down motion.

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