Chapter Six

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The unmistakable sound of a newborn crying was the greatest thing Steve and Abbie had heard in their life.

"You did great," Steve told her, the sheer excitement of seeing his son being born evident in his voice.

The baby was immediately cleaned off and then placed on Abbie's chest, as skin to skin contact keeps the baby warm."He's beautiful. He looks just like you" Abbie cried; through her tears her eyes were glued to her son. He had a ton of light brown hair and big blue eyes; the spitting image of his father. Abbie gave Steve's hand a squeeze to finally let go as they both stared in awe of their newborn son.

With his gaze fully focused on his newborn son, the emotions he was feeling overwhelmed the new father and he couldn't help tearing up. Abbie casually glanced at Steve and was honestly surprised by the display of emotion. In the four years she had known Steve she had never once seen him cry, but he was obviously feeling the same emotions that she was.

Soon it was time for the umbilical cord to be cut, to which Steve proudly did the honors. Their son was then taken to be measured and checked over by the medical staff. They were told he was an average baby at 22 inches long weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces. A few minutes passed when the baby who was now wrapped in a white blanket and had a light blue hat on his head was handed back to Abbie.

"Hello handsome," Abbie cooed gently stroking the newborns' tiny hand. I can not believe he's finally here. I love him so much already. Abbie just stared at the baby in her arms and memorized every one of his features; his bright big blue eyes, long dark lashes, little button nose, his dimpled cheeks and thin lips. He's absolutely perfect. She covered his face with kisses until he began to get a little fussy. She grabbed a pacifier she brought with her and carefully placed it in his mouth, which appeared to soothe him.

She noticed her son's' eyes on Steve and said " I think he wants his daddy to hold him." Steve looked to be a little nervous, as he hasn't held many babies in his life but at the same time he was anxious to finally hold his son. "Could you grab my phone first. I wanna call my parents. And don't forget to call Danny." She knew he was the first person Steve would want to call.

He grabbed her phone out of her hospital bag and placed it next to her on the bed. Then Abbie careful handed the baby to Steve who followed the same pattern Abbie did by taking in all of his son's features. Steve walked over to the window overlooking Honolulu to give Abbie some privacy with her phone call. "Hello my keikikane" son he spoke in a near whisper "I'm glad you couldn't wait to meet us. I've been waiting forever to see you" he told him letting out a small laugh; referring to the fact that he was born three weeks before his due date. He spent the next several minutes relishing the fact that he was finally holding his son.

"My parents are gonna come in a few hours with Cath," Abbie told Steve "Mom says we should spend more alone time with him before introducing him to everyone." He handed the newborn back to Abbie and called Danny and told him to come back to the hospital with the rest of the team around dinner time.

Over the next three hours, Steve and Abbie bonded with their newborn while he also had a few more medical tests and was given his first bath.

It was now quarter after six in the evening and with the baby sound asleep in his mother's arms Steve sat next to Abbie on the bed with his arm casually draped around her shoulder. Abbie felt his gaze on her and turned to see with a look that she couldn't describe. Love, passion, adoration. I don't know. Stop thinking he's not giving you any kind of look. Both leaned in at the same time and their lips met in a gentle kiss that was full of passion. Though it seemed like an eternity the kiss only lasted for a short time before there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Abbie spoke after they broke apart as she completely averting her eyes from his; Steve stayed in his spot on the bed but removed the arm that was around her shoulder.

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