Chapter Sixteen

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"I'll get it," yelled Abbie as she walked down the stairs fixing a small diamond stud in her ear. She wore a sleeveless tight black dress and red pumps; her hair in loose curls and natural makeup. Steve who was in the living room playing with JJ and his toy cars was confused by her appearance and who was at the door at six o clock at night.

"Let me just grab my purse and we can go," she spoke to whoever was at the door.

Abbie walked away and toward Steve and JJ where her purse lay on the coffee table. She bent down and gave her son a kiss, "Love you. Be good for daddy."

"Otay," came the response from the toddler who went right back to playing with his toys.

"Where are you going?" a confused Steve questioned her.

"I have a date. Didn't I tell you?"


"I'm sorry I thought I did. You know how scatterbrained I can get" she paused, "We won't be gone long."

He bit back a chuckle. "Well since he's already here I might as well introduce myself, unless of course he doesn't know about me."

"Unlike you I was upfront," she spoke, a bitter tone not meant but nonetheless she stood by that. He didn't tell Lynn about us I have nothing to feel sorry about.

Steve simply smirked, walked past her and to the front door. Extending his hand he greeted the man at the door. About the same height as him, athletic build, with dark hair and hazel eyes.

"Steve McGarrett," he greeted sticking out his hand for a friendly greeting.

"Steve Daniels,"

"What is it you do Steve?" asked McGarrett.

"I'm a math teacher. I work with Abbie's mother."

"How nice," the smirk never left his face, "Where are you two kids heading?"

"To dinner and we're going to be late if we don't leave now," Abbie spoke, throwing on her light pink cardigan. "Bye baby," she called to JJ. She grabbed her date by the arm and begun to walk away.

"Have her back by midnight," Steve yelled to the two.

It was a few minutes of eight when the front door opened and Abbie walked in. Steve had just put JJ down to sleep when he walked downstairs and saw her. He checked his watch to note what time it was, knowing it couldn't have been more than a few hours. "Have a good time?"

The smirk never left his face. "You'll be happy to know that was the worst date I've ever been on."

"Now why would that make me happy?"

Abbie sent him a glare, "He has to be the most boring man on the planet. He collects stamps."

Steve laughed, "Seriously how did you even meet this guy?"

"He works with my mom. I don't know why I agreed to go out with him." Yes you do Abbie. You're tired of being alone and wanted to be with someone. Steve has Lynn and he's happy with her. "I have my baby boy that's all I need," she joked in an attempt to cheer herself up.

"Hey you'll find somebody, just give it time," Steve told her. "Collects stamps, seriously?"

She chuckled, "This is the last time I let my mom set me up."

"Steve seriously what the hell is wrong with you? Do you even think about what you're doing at all?" Abbie was seething with anger as she yelled at Steve. They had both just arrived home after a long day at work. A bank robbery by a notorious group of criminals had happened during a case being handled by 5-0. In an attempt to negotiate with the suspects and stop any harm to innocent bystanders Steve had entered the bank, sans vest and gun. In an ensuing struggle, he had been shot, though luckily just a graze on his arm. That however didn't matter to Abbie, as the minute they returned home from the hospital her anger over the situation poured out.

"You done," Steve smirked, crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows at the brunette.

"This isn't funny Steve," her voice stern. "We have a son now. I know you're fearless, it's one of the things I admire about you. I'm just asking that you think about JJ when you get yourself in these situations."

He took in her words, "I get it Abbs but everything I do is for JJ. Keeping him safe is my top priority. As far as being fearless, the minute JJ was born," he admitted. "I walk out of this house everyday knowing something can happen to him. That is my worst fear. I do whatever I have to keep him away from the world we live in."

Taking a moment to let his words seep him she soon spoke attempting to keep her emotions at bay, "Just please be safe Steve. Neither of us want to lose you."

Their eyes met and neither moved their stare away. The gaze was intense and soon interrupted b his ringing phone.

"McGarrett," he answered and stepped away from Abbie.

"I gotta go, something came up in the Roberts case," he told her once the phone call was over.

He retrieved his gun and badge from the safe and as he was walking out the door when Abbie called out to him. "Steve please be careful."

After the talk they just had he knew nothing he said would calm her fears so instead of speaking he walked over and gave her a hug. Nothing romantic about it, the hug was telling her that nothing bad was going to happen.

Steve returned home a little after two in the morning. Once locking the door he was about to head upstairs when he noticed the television was on. He walked over to turn it off when he saw Abbie asleep on the couch.

He smiled, knowing that she had been waiting for him to come home. Grabbing the remote of the coffee table he turned off the TV, then grabbed the tan blanket that was strewn across the top of the couch and gently covered Abbie with it. Tonight his family was safe and that's what he told her he was going to do.

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