Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

{Sorry if this part isn't too exciting...but still Enjoy reading!}

*Patrick's P.O.V.*

The boys of Zummer tour continued for another two months and everything is going better to best. The fandom is really getting bigger each time we play and I and the others sure are having fun. Everything is really going fine, except my relationship with Chase. The guy has been avoiding me since the night that I revealed our cover-up story.

I really don't know what's wrong, I've tried to talk to him a lot of times, but whenever I do he acts like himself again and it's like nothing is wrong. Our bond is not that strong compared the last couple of months and we barely talk to each other even if we're on the same bus always. The guy became a lot quiet now too, he just always stays on his bunk staying there as quiet as he can be. The others are worried too, but the guy wouldn't give us any details. I just think that maybe he and Allie are having some problems.

As for me and Winona, everything is going fine too. We just dropped her off in London last two days because she has work to do there and I've been missing the girl so much. I'm glad things worked out for the both of us again and the fandom really ships us too, but not as much as they ship me and Pete or me and Chase.

We are currently having a stop-over in the middle of nowhere. Chase and I were the only ones left inside the bus while the others get some food outside. I was just inside my small bedroom while the door is open and I can see Chase being quiet on his bunk again. I decided to talk to him again, maybe I can help him with his problems with Allie, if that's really the case.

"Hey," I suddenly said to him after jumping to his bed. "Aren't you hungry?" I asked him. The guy smiled at me, a sad smile.

"No, thanks...and hey." He said lowly.

"Chase, are you really okay? You know you can tell me anything," I said sincerely and out of nowhere, he chuckled. Like I said something stupid.

"Maybe not everything," He quietly murmured.

"Chase...please. The other and I are worried, we can only see the cheerful you whenever there's a fan meet, and we really missed your cheerful side," I said seriously to him. Chase sat up and leaned at the corner of his bunk.

"I'm just confused, Patrick. I don't know anymore, there are so many things going on in my head," He said.

"Then share it to me, maybe I can help. Is it Allie?"

"Well, I really wish it's just her...but no."

"Or is that...Chris..." I said to him and he suddenly looked at me in shock. "You were murmuring her or his name back then when you collapsed when we're doing the Band Games."

"No," he said in defense and stayed quiet again.

"Oh come on dude, I miss our bonding together, our talks about music, our drum solos in rehearsals, we never had the chance to do that nowadays. This may sound so weird, but I miss you," I said while chuckling.

"I don't want to get in between you and Winona. And only missed our times together now that she's not here. I'm not trying to be rude Patrick, but leave some time for yourself. It's like you're giving the girl everything. Pete and the others have been noticing too, you never do bond with us whenever she's around. I...we... always try to reach out for you when she's here, but you always ignore us. I have nothing against her, and I-I'm really h-happy for the both of you. But please, still leave something for yourself and your friends...don't let your world spin around her. She could just break it anytime leaving you with nothing," Chase said and I felt like I was slapped by a girl.

His words are like coming from a girl, but he had a point. I was too much giving Winona attention that I'm forgetting my friends and myself. Now, I'm feeling terrible. Words left me after what he said to me and I just stared at him. Chase is not even looking at me, but I do feel that somehow he is jealous or something or maybe I just took this all wrong. I let out a sigh and smiled sadly.

"You're right, and I'm really sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you guys, I won't be like that anymore. Just promise me you'll be back to your normal self again. Come on, I can't do this without my partner," I tried to sound cheerful finally Chase looked at me and smiled.

"I'll try," He answered and I really wish he'll go back now.


*Chasity's P.O.V.*

Patrick: Yeah. Thanks, I'm happy the thing between us finally ended...Now, I'm all free with Winona now.

Up to now, that message broke me. I feel like it was a break-up message and there were times that I just want to laugh at myself for being in pain while reading this...I HAVE NO RIGHT, goddammit!

It's been almost two months and since the day that I got that message, I said to myself that I'll avoid Patrick from then on. The scene of him and Winona is like onion to my eyes, I really can't stare at them even for a minute. I really hate myself for feeling like this, sometimes I think of stabbing my eyes with a fork so I wouldn't see them anymore. 

Winona is a really clingy girlfriend, I really don't know, but as for a girl like I am...her moves are really over the edge. There were times where she would just barge inside Patrick's room without knocking and going around him like we're not even there. I can see that Patrick is sometimes getting really awkward, but, of course, he's not pushing the girl away.

I don't know, maybe I'm just that jealous that's why I'm thinking like this. But then again, there were times where I overhear Pete, Andy, and Joe talking that Winona had changed. I don't really want to join in the conversation because in the first place I really don't know Winona at all, but to what they are saying, it really seems that the girl had changed...a lot. And they are curious why Patrick can't see that.

Maybe because I have no one to talk to, I began to be quiet. The cheerful me went away and I know they are noticing it. I'm just not in the mood for that kind of aura nowadays, my head and my heart are always battling and now that Chris wants me to go home, everything got more complicated. The Boys of Zummer tour is really successful and I've almost paid all the debts we had and Chris is already earning money for the both of us and now he's insisting that I should go home, I know my brother is really worried for me now.

"Come on, little sis. With that tone, I know you're not okay. Please just go home, stop torturing yourself," He said going brotherly mode on me again.

"Chris...I don't know yet, just give me more time. Please," I pleaded, the truth is I really don't want to leave the band anymore. I really grew close to these four guys and even I'm having a conflict with my feeling towards Patrick now, I still don't want to leave.

"Chasity, are you in love with him? I just heard the news, little sis, you're torturing yourself," He said.

"I know...but I don't want to, not yet," I said. "When I leave I want everything to be okay, I want them to know who I really am and all that, but I'm really not ready yet. So please, Chris, don't worry about me...I can still do it," I said with a smile. I hear my brother sighed on the other line and I giggled at him lowly.

"You girls are really complicated! Fine, just always remember if you can't do it anymore, I'll be here for you...okay? Our home will always welcome you back," He said and that really made me smile. My brother is really the best I could have.

{Thanks for reading!! Love you guys so much!!  :) Thanks guys!!}

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